Completed Dissertations
present–2020 | 2019–2010 | 2009–2000 | 1999–1990 | 1989–1980 | 1979–1970 | 1969–1960 | 1959–1950 | 1949–1940 | 1939–1930
Lynne D. Ambrosini, Peasants in French Painting 1815-1848: The Romantic Roots of the Realist Mode. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Zainab Bahrani, The Administrative Building at Tell Al Hiba, Lagash. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Celia J. Bergoffen, A Comparative Study of the Regional Distribution of Cypriote Pottery in Canaan and Egypt in the Late Bronze Age. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Patricia Gray Berman, Monumentality and Historicism in Edvard Munch’s University of Oslo Festival Hall Paintings. Advisor: Kirk Varnedoe
Karen Christian, Arnolfo di Cambio’s Sculptural Project for the Duomo Façade in Florence: A Study in Style and Context. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Michelle Facos, Individualism, Nationalism, Socialicm: Swedish Avant Garde Painting in the 1890’s. Advisor: Kirk Varnedoe
Virginia Campbell Goodlett, Collaboration in Greek Sculpture: The Literary and Ephigraphical Evidence. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Barry Hannegan, Venetian Ceiling Painting: 1665-1730. Advisor: Donald Posner
Suzanne Heim, Glazed Architectural Elements in Elam and Related Material from Luristan. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Laurence B. Kanter, The Late Works of Luca Signorelli and his Followers, 1498-1559. Advisor: John Pope-Hennessy
Lucy Lim, The Northen Wei Tomb of Ssu-ma Chin-lung and Early Chinese Figure Painting. Advisor: Alexander Soper
James F. Romano, The Bes-image in Pharaonic Egypt. Advisor: Dietrich von Bothmer
Deborah Manaker Rothschild, From the Street to the Elite: Popular Sources in Picasso’s Designs for Parade. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Thelma K. Thomas, Niche Decorations from the Tombs of Byzantine Egypt (Heracleopolis Magna and Oxyrhynchus, A. D. 300-500): Visions of the Afterlife. Advisor: Thomas F. Mathews
Eleni Vassilika, Ptolemaic Philae. Advisor: Bernard von Bothmer
Deborah N. Wilde, Housing and urban development in sixteenth century Rome: the properties of the Arciconfraternita della SSma Annunziata. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Joseph Alchermes, ‘Cura pro mortuis’ and ‘Cultus martyrum’: Commemoration in Rome from the Second through the Sixth Century. Advisor: Thomas F. Mathews
Marie F. Busco, The Sculptor Sir Richard Westmacott (1775-1856): Life and Woks. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Claude R. Cernuschi, Jackson Pollock: Meaning and Significance. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Eric M. Frank, Pallaiuolo Studies. Advisor: John Pope-Hennessy
Jack Freiberg, The Lateran and Clement VIII. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Laura M. Gadbery, Three Fifth-century B.C. Statue Bases from the Athenian Agora. Advisors: Evelyn B. Harrison and Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt
Jeanne Jordan, Attic Black-Figured Eye-Cups. Advisor: Dietrich von Bothmer
Robert S. Lubar, Joan Miró Before the Farm, 1915-1922: Catalan Nationalism and the Avant-Garde. Advisor: Kirk Varnedoe
Charlotte F. Nichols, The Caracciolo di Vico Chapel in Naples and Early Cinquecento Architecture. Advisor: Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt
Claudia Roth Pierpont, Giovanni da Nola and the Monument of Pedro de Toledo: A Study in Neapolitan Sixteenth Century Sculpture. Advisor: Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt
Katherine A. Schwab, The Parthenon Metopes and Greek Vase Painting: A Study of Comparison and Influences. Advisors: Dietrich von Bothmer and Irving Lavin
Alice Taylor, Armenian Gospel Illustration: The School of Vostan (1390-1437). Advisors: Thomas F. Mathews
Roxana Marcoci, Site of Contestation: Constantin Brancusi’s World War I Memorial. Advisor: Kirk Varnedoe
Derek A R Moore, Pellegrino Tibaldi’s Church of S. Fedele in Milan: The Jesuits, Carlo Borromeo and religious architecture in the late sixteenth century. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Dawson W. Carr, Luca Giordano at the Escorial: The Frescoes for Charles II. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Carolyn L. Connor, The Crypt at Hosios Loukas and its Frescoes. Advisor: Thomas F. Mathews
Noel S. Frackman, The Art of John Storrs. Advisors: Robert Rosenblum and Evelyn B. Harrison
Wayne E. J. Franits, “The Vertues which ought to be in a complete woman”: Domesticity in Seventeenth-century Dutch Art. Advisor: Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann
Barbara Giella, R. M. Schindler’s Thirties Style: Its Character (1931-1937) and International Sources (1906-1937). Advisor: Henry Russell Hitchcock
David M. Gillerman, The Gothic Chuch of San Fortunato in Todi. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Jean Montague Messangale, The Early Drawings of Fragonard (ca. 1748-1761): Problems of Attribution and Chronology. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Janice Shell, Painters in Milan, 1490-1530: A Resource of Newly Discovered Documents. Advisor: John Pope-Hennessy
Reva Wolf, Francisco Goya and the Interest in British Art and Aesthetics in Late Eighteenth-century Spain. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Joan Aruz, The Aegean and the Orient in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages: The Evidence of Stamp and Cylinder Seals. Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Susan J. Barnes, Van Dyck in Italy: 1621-1628. Advisor: Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann
Laurel Bradley, Evocations of the Eighteenth Century in Victorian Art. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Carol Eugenia Burns, San Salvatore and Venetian Church Architecture, 1490-1530. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Marilyn Ann Cohen, Reginalg Marsh: An Interpretation of his Art. Advisor: Kirk Varnedoe
Marilyn Hirsch, Sources for the Figural Sculpture of Mamallapuram. Advisors: Stella Kramrisch and Jonathan Brown
Mary Travener Holmes, Nicolas Lancret and Genre Themes of the Eighteenth Century. Advisor: Donald Posner
Patricia Howard, The Shang Bronze Vessel Type Kuang (12c. B.C. to mid-10c. B.C.). Advisor: Alexander Soper
Lynn F. Jacobs, Aspects of Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces, 1380-1530. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Elizabeth Johnston Milleker, The Statue of Apollo Lykeios in Athens. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Marsha Morton, John Erdmann Hummel: A Painter of Biedermeier Berlin. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Jonathan P. Ribner, “Le Peuple de Dieu”: Old Testament Motifs of Leigslation, Prophcy and Exile in French Art Between the Empires. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Linda Jones Roccos, The Shoulder-pinned-back Mantle in Greek and Roman Sculpture. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Margaret Danton Smith, The Elegy of Death in French Painting at the end of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Nadia Tscherny, Beyond Likeness: Late Eighteenth Century British Portraiture and Origins of Romanticism. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Joan F. Carpenter, Giuseppe Canella and Parisian View Painting. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Charles M. Edwards, Greek Votive Reliefs to Pan and the Nymphs. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Carol S. Eliel, Form and Content in the Genre Works of Louis-Léopold Boilly. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Dorothy M. Kosinski, The Image of Orpheus in Symbolist Art and Literature. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Diane Sue Russcol, English Historical Themes in French Painting c. 1815-1848. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Ian Wardropper, The Sculpture and Prints of Domenico del Barbiere. Advisor: Olga Raggio
Alison West, From Pajou to Préault: The Development of Neoclassicism and the Sublime in French Sculpture, 1760-1830. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Karen L. Wilson, A Definition and Relative Chronology of the Jamdat Nasr Period. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Bonnie Yochelson, P.H. Emerson: An Art Historical Study of a Victorian Photographer. Advisor: Kirk Varnedoe
David Geoffrey Alexander, Dhu L-Fakar. Advisor: Helmut Nickle
Christine Baltay, Pellegrino Tibaldi in Bologna and the Marches. Advisor: Donald Posner
Arthur R. Blumenthal, Giulio Parigi’s Stage Designs: Florence and the Early Baroque Spectacle. Advisor: Irving Lavin
Marcus B. Burke, Private Collections of Italian Art in Seventeenth-century Spain. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Robert Cohon, Greek and Roman Stone Table Supports with Decorative Reliefs. Advisor: Peter van Blanckenhagen
Alice A. Donohue, Xoana. Advisor: James R. McCredie
James David Draper, Bertoldo di Giovanni: His Life, his Art, his Influence. Advisors: Olga Raggio and Priscilla Soucek
Rita E. Freed, The Development of Middle Kingdom Egyptian Relief Sculptural Schools of Late Dynasty XI: With and Appendix of the Trends of Early Dynasty XII. Advisor: Bernard von Bothmer
Elizabeth Childs Johnson, Relationship Between Symbolism and Function in Ritual Bronze Art of the Shang: New Archeological and Bone Inscriptional Evidence. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Linda Komaroff, The Timurid Phase in Iranian Metalwork: Formulation and Realization of a Style. Advisor: Priscilla Soucek
Marsa Laird, Linear-style Cylinder Seals of the Akkadian to Post-Akkadian Periods. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Emily Brower Miller, Zoomorphic Vases in the Bronze Age Aegean. Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Cynthia Wolk Nachmani, Enrapt in a Cloud of Darkness…: Joseph Michael Gandy, Architecture and the Romantic Imagination. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Beatrice Rehl, The Fourteenth-century Choir of Bristol Cathedral. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Sabine Rewald, Balthus: A Monographic Study. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Nanette Salomon, Dreamers, Idlers and other Dozers: Aspects of Sleep in Dutch Art. Advisor: Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann
James Ward, Le Corbusier’s Villa “Les Terrasses” and the International Style. Advisord: Henry Russell Hitchcock
Tom Wolf, Konrad Cramer: His Art and his Context. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Jerry Abramson, Style and Structure in Oceanic Art. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Virginia Anne Bonito, The Saint Anne Altar in Sant’Agostino, Rome. Advisor: James R. McCredie
Deborah Markow, The Iconography of the Soul in Medieval Art. Advisor: James R. McCredie
Michael Marrinan, Painting Politics for Louis-Philippe: Issues and Instruments of Propaganda in French Official Art, 1830-1840. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Barbara C. Matilsky, Sublime Landscape Painting in Nineteenth Century France: Alpine and Arctic Iconography and their Relationship to Natural History. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
William Olander, Pour transmettre à la postérité: French Painting and Revolution, 1774-1795. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Catherine R. Puglisi, A Study of the Bolognese-Roman Painter Francesco Albani. Advisor: Donald Posner
Elizabeth S. Rosen, The Buddhist Art of Nagarjunakonda. Advisor: Stella Kramrisch
Julie Schimmel, John Mix Stanley and Imagery of the West in Nineteenth-century American Art. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Suzanne Stratton, The Immaculate Conception in Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Diane Wolfthal, The Beginnings of Netherlandish Canvas Painting, 1400-1530. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Elizabeth Rosen, The Buddhist art of Nagarjunakonda (Nadhra Pradesh, India)
John D. Bandiera, The Pictorial Treatment of Architecture in French Art, 1731 to 1804. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Anna D. Karstonis, Anastasi, the Making of an Image. Advisor: Thomas F. Mathews
Magdalen LaRow, The Iconography of Mary Magdalen: The Evolution of a Western Tradition until 1300. Advisor: Harry Bober
Richard G. Mann, El Greco’s Altarpieces: Three Representative Commisions. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
William August Steinke, The Flamboyant Gothic Church of Caudebec-en-Caux: A Neglected Masterpiece of French Medieval Architecture. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Yasser Tabba, The Architectural Patronage of Nur Al-Din, 1146-1174. Advisor: Priscilla Soucek
Marjorie Susan Venit, Painted Pottery from the Greek Mainland Found in Egypt, 650-450 B.C. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Dean Walker, The Early Career of Francois Girardon, 1628-1686: the History of a Sculptor to Louis XIV During the Superintendence of Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Advisor: Raggio Olga
Elizabeth J. Walters, Attic Grave Reliefs that Represent Women in the Dress of Isis. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Estelle Dunow, Chaim Soutine, 1893-1943. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Peter Glum, The Ban Dainagon Ektoba, the Kibi Daijin Nitto Emaki, and the Nenju Gyoji Emaki: A Reassessment of the Evidence for the Work of Tokiwa Mitsunaga Embodied in Two Japanese Narrative Scroll Paintings of the Twelfth Century, and one Presumably Close Copy. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Angela Howar, The Imagery of Cosmological Buddha. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Chee Mee Huie, A Study of the Chronology and Development of the Caves at Tun Huang Executed from Northern Liang to T’ang. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Leslie Jones, The Paintings of Giovanni Battista Piazzetta. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Henry Okun, The Surrealist Object. Advisor: Jim M. Jordan
Samuel R. Peterson, Shi’ism and Late Iranian Arts. Advisor: Richard Ettinghausen
Carol E. Radcliffe, Early Chalukya Sculpture. Advisor: Stella Kramrisch
Barbara Schmitz, Miniature Painting in Harat, 1570-1640. Advisor: Priscilla Soucek
Harriet Senie, Studies in the Development of Urban Sculpture, 1950-1975. Advisor: Henry Russell Hitchcock
Lois Severini, The Architecture of Finance: Wall Street 1825-62. Advisor: Henry Russell Hitchcock
June H. Taboroff, Bistam, Iran: the Architecture, Setting and Patronage of an Islamic Shrine. Advisor: Peter von Blanckenhagen
Jill S. Cowen, The Istanbul University Library Kalila wa Dimna: an Il-Khanid Masterpiece. Advisor: Oleg Grabar
Alan Phipps Darr, Pietro Torrigiano and his Sculpture for the Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey. Advisor: Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt
Joseph M. Dye, The Chronology and Stylistic Development of Seventeenth Century Malwa Painting. Advisors: Stella Kramrisch and H.W. Janson
Gregory Hedberg, Antoniazzo Romano and his School. Advisors: Colin T. Eisler and Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Laura S. Kaufman, Ippen Hijiri-e: Artistic and Literary Sources in a Buddhist Handscroll Painting of Thirteenth Century Japan. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Nancy M. Mathews, Mary Cassatt and the “Modern Madonna” of the Nineteenth Century. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Susan Mayer, Ancient Mediterranean Sources in the Works of Picasso, 1892-1937. Advisors: Robert Rosenblum and Peter Chelkowski
Michael P. Mezzatesta, Imperial Themes in the Sculpture of Leone Leoni. Advisor: Irving Lavin
Aline Idebsky Pritchard, The Art of Mikhail Vrubel (1865-1910). Advisors: Gert Schiff and Alexander Soper
Gary M. Radke, The Papal Palace in Viterbo. Advisors: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Betsy Jean Rosasco, The Sculptures of the Château of Marly During the Reign of Louis XIV. Advisors: Olga Raggio
Alice Zrebiec,The American Tapestry Manufactures: Origins and Development, 1893 to 1933. Advisor: Colin Eisler
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