MA Theses
Ariela Algaze, Sculpture, Stagecraft, and Spectacle: Acting Crucifixes and Passion Dramas in Central Italy, 1250-1450. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Clara Maria Apostolatos, Dreamworks of Utopia: Paolo Gasparini’s Karakarakas. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Noelle Barr, A Harem of One’s Own: Turquerie and Feminine Performance in Eighteenth-Century French Art, Opera, and Costume. Advisor: Meredith Martin
Lillian Beeson, Cross-Media Connections: Fragonard’s Rinaldo in Context. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Danielle Byerley, James Turrell’s Roden Crater at the Center of the Universe: Geographic, Geological, and Indigenous Perspectives. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Milly Cai, Stealing the Shadow: The Ledger Book of William Bache and Racial Formation in the Early Nineteenth Century. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Allison Carey, The White Noise of History: Activating the Past through Kevin Beasley’s Cotton Gin Motor. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Gemma Cirignano, Mythologizing Money: Chryssa’s Cent Sign as Allegory. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Elizabeth Clancy, Garments of Awe: The Dressed Bodies of Two Sumerian Temple Statues. Advisor: Blair Fowlkes Childs
Junyi Fan, Vincent van Gogh in Paris, 1886-1888, The Balance Between Modern Painting Techniques and Realist Tradition. Advisor: Alexandra Courtois de Viçose
Isabel Filer, Jean Painlevé’s Abject Vision. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Gabriela Goizueta, Abstraction in Mid-Twentieth-Century Mexico: The Artistic Subversions of Alice Rahon and Lilia Carrillo. Advisor: Pepe Karmel
Sarah Gregory, The Rock Art of the Lower Pecos: A Visual Analysis of Shelter Site 41VV0242. Advisor: Carolyn Boyd
Emily Hallman, Bodies on Bodies: Hilliard’s Portrait Miniatures, Dress, and the Construction of the Self. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Elyse Howell, Illusion and Immersion: A Critical Examination of the Function of Historic Interiors. Advisor: Sarah Lawrence
Qiang Hu, Addressing Identities: Investigation through the works of Albert Chong. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Martha Jamail, The Baltic Temple : Architecture for a Modern Funerary Ritual. Advisors: Jean-Louis Cohen and Christine Poggi
Barbie Kim, Mercury in Water: Fragmenting Bodily Trauma of Minamata in Tomoko and Mother in Bath. Advisor: Catherine Quan Damman
Caroline Kuchta, Juliette, Thérésa, Josephine: Interior Politics of the Parisian Aristocracy, 1796-1810. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Francesco Lagioia, Polidoro Da Caravaggio’s Façades: The Reflection of Antiquity and Social Status in Rome. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Kyejin Lee, Suh Se-ok: Experiments on Limitless Ink. Advisor: Michele Matteini
Hannah Loughlin, Towards an Ecology of Roman Copying: The Ten Marble Fragments as a Relic of Ancient Cultural Appropriation. Advisor: Johnathan Hopkins
Elizabeth Maghakian, Relics, Reevaluation, and Renewal: The Visual Program of the Reliquary of St. Simeon at Zadar. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Megija Milberga, The House of the Writers’ Union – Between Castle and Home. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Alexis Nanavaty, Drawings in dialogue: The collaboration of Veronese, Zelotti, and Canneri at Villa ‘La Soranza.’ Advisor: Linda Wolk-Simon
Sofia Ohmer, Living Artwork: Max Slevogt’s Home Neukastel and its Private Paintings. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Grace Oller, Making/Maintenance/Work: Foregrounding the Laborers in the Performances of Mierle Laderman Ukeles. Advisor: Catherine Quan Damman
Nicole Percoco, The Legacy of J.P. Morgan’s Collecting Practices as seen through the Glazier Codex. Advisor: Blair Fowlkes Childs
McKenna Quatro Johnson, Things ‘Thought Seen Touched:’ A Psychoanalytic Look at Repetition, Trauma, and Resilience in Eva Hesse’s Late Sculpture. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Clara Jeanne Reed, For the Most Beautiful: Assembling a Performance of Beauty in Judith Golden’s Self-Portraits. Advisor: Alexandra Courtois de Viçose
Kelly Ryser, Human-Animal Encounters in the Medieval Latin Bestiary: An Unstable Convergence of Identities. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Madi Shenk, Conceptual Constellation: Wangechi Mutu’s ‘Histology of the Different Classes of Uterine Tumors,’ Disability Studies, and the Pathologization of Black Female Bodies. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Ben Simmes, Pederastic Scenes in Attic Fifth Century Red-Figure Vases: An Exploration of the Iconography of Zeus and Ganymede. Advisor:Clemente Marconi
Alexandra Skidmore, Natural Programming: The Early Computer Art of Colette and Charles Bangert. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Juliet Sloane, Dirty Tricks: Earth Works of Robert Rauschenberg and Walter De Maria. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Nicasia Solano-Reed, A Tolerance for Ambiguity: Julio Galán, Dulce María Nuñez, and Neo-Mexican Art. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Tyler Spencer, Timothy H. O’Sullivan and the Visual Culture of the Survey: Lithographs from the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (1867-72). Advisor: Thomas Crow
Eve Sperling, Taxonomic Tapestry: Millefleur and the Emergence of Natural History in Early Modern Europe. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Matthew Toscano, Oceana at The Metropolitan Museum of Art: A History. Advisor: Patricia Marroquin Norby
Juul Van Haver, Multiple Authenticities: Tshibumba Kanda-Matulu and the Construction of Congolese Modernism. Advisor: Prita Meier
Grace Vieaux, Blue Demons in Etruscan Funerary Art. Advisor: Johnathan Hopkins
Ecaterina Vlad, Hedda Sterne: Contradiction, Displacement and Identity in the New York Series. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Shengze Wang, The Politics of Pure Painting: Impressionism 1890, 1870. Advisor: Alexandra Courtois de Viçose
Noa Weinzweig, Street Photography: A Global Blindspot. Advisor: Isolde Brielmaier
Margaret Elizabeth Wickham, Faith Ringgold: Freedom of Speech. Advisor: Catherine Quan Damman
Le Yin, Joan Miró: A Catalan Painter-Poet in Japan. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Roxana Youkana, A Comparative Investigation of the Influence of Heritage Corruption and Damage in Mes Aynak and The Temple of Bel. Advisor: Blair Fowlkes Childs
Zheng Yuan, Wang Dongling: From Calligrapher to Artist. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Elizabeth Julia Berman, Flexible Forms: Exploring Possibilities of Mutability in Pre-Dynastic and Early Dynastic Art. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Sophia Lenora Bevacqua Collins, On the Nature of Change: Metamorphoses and Materialism in the Artistic Process of Piero di Cosimo’s Figural Drawings. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Shelby Nicole Bray, Performing the Body: The Use of the Feminine Body in the Work of Yoko Ono and Carolee Schneemann in the 1960s and 1970s. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Tiarra Inez Brown, More than Black Pain. Advisor: Lowery Stokes Sims
Minghao Chen, Traversing Nights: Sensuous Cultivation of Shen Zhou’s Nocturnal Paintings. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Andy Ho Tung Cheng, One Thing as Another: Queerness in Robert Morris’s Art of the 1960s and ‘70s. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
M. Claire Davis, Performing Pavements: Theatricality and Phenomenology in the Narcissus Mosaic of the House of Menander at Antioch. Advisor: Jonathan Hopkins
Zhilong Deng, Buddha of Medicine: The Making of a Magnificent Mural in Fourteenth-Century Southern Shanxi, China. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Jason Drill, Complicated, Messy, and Slow: Mark Bradford’s Deep Blue. Advisor: Pepe Karmenl
Elizabeth Jean Fischer, Beaux-Arts Muralism: Triumph and Failure of the Gilded Age. A Study of John White Alexander’s The Apotheosis of Pittsburgh through the lens of Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Emma Myrette Flood, Satirical Sales and Society Weddings: Women and Class in the Work of Florine Stettheimer. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Rachel Rose Garbade, ‘Open Mesh of Possibilities’: Three Artists Queer the Canon. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Eric Chea Choong Goh, Choong Kam Kow: An Outlier Artist. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Goldie Gross, Painting the Party: The Radical Art of Lydia Gibson (1891-1964). Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Catherine G. Hartmann, Seeing the Law, Again: On the Temporality of Alciato’s Legal Emblems. Advisor: Linda Wolk-Simon
Paul Horatio Henkel, The Visual Implications of Arminius the Unifier in Germanic Culture. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Katherine Elizabeth Hobart, Ausdruckstanz and the Avant-Garde: The Language of Dance in the Work of Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Oskar Schlemmer. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Kaylee Faye Kelley, Illustrious Through Her Own Virtues’: An Alternative Vision of Laura in Cinquecento Florentine Portraiture. Advisor: Linda Wolk-Simon
Christina Gina Lee, Reconsidering Realism in Korean Photography: Geopolitics, Territory, and Space. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Martina Lentino, Visión fotográfica: Horacio Coppola’s Multidisciplinary Representations of a ‘Modern’ Buenos Aires. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Frances Samuel Lilliston, ‘What Need Do I Have for this Vision?’: Images from Fourteenth-Century St. Katharinenthal. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Maria Alejandra Lopez-Oliveros, Beyond the Gaucho: Historical and Contemporary Depictions. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Abigail Manville, Malleus Matrorum Maleficarum: The Perversion of Motherhood in Hans Baldung’s Works on Witches. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Deborah Lynn Miller, Salvador Dali’s ‘Nuclear Mysticism.’ Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Janelle Catherine Miniter, Image to Concept: Sturtevant’s Repetitions and the Art of Thinking. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Madeleine Olshansky Morris, Hiding in Plain Sight: Revisiting the Art and Legacy of Bill Traylor. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Leigh Christine Peterson, Armor Makes the Man: The Role of Armor in Cosimo I de’ Medici’s State Portrait by Bronzino. Advisor: Linda Wolk-Simon
Thomas Jay Rice, Dual Images: Self-Representation in Portraiture and Architecture of Early Severan Emperors 193-217 CE. Advisor: Katherine Welch
Erika A. Robbins, Robert Henri Paintings of Spanish Types. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Gabriela Romero Gonzalez, Xul Solar: An Artistic Freedom Found in Hybridity. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Diane Marie Russo, Magical Figurines in Greco-Roman Egypt. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Jasmine Smith, The Unusual and Creative in Private Theban Tombs. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Isla Marie Stewart, Chiseling Feminism: Vinnie Ream and Adelaide Johnson inside the United States Capitol Rotunda. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Lijie Wang, Jeremy Deller: The Popular Artist. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Yuchen “Angel” Xiang, Around 2020: Emergent Trend of Young Artists on the Chinese Social Media, Little Red Book / Secrets Unfold by an Insider. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Afsheen Leonardo Amiri, Evolving Approaches To Anastylosis: A Prelude and Three Key Case Studies—Sardis, Ephesos, and Aphrodisias. Advisor: Katherine Welch
Alexa Elena Breininger, (In)animate Women: Mannequins, Masquerade, and the 1938 Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Alexa Troy Chabora, Art & Taxes: The Convergence of Art, the Vernacular, and the Instrumentalized in the 1940s WPA Tax Photographs, Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Yunhao Chen, A Place of Parergon: The Spatiality of Mogao Cave 231 at Dunhuang. Advisor: Hsueh-Man Shen
Andrea Chu, From Grid to Cloud: An Exploration of Materiality through Contingency in Ian Cheng’s Emissaries. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Ling Ding, Indian Stupas inside a Chinese Pagoda: Building a Buddha Land in Hangzhou in the Wuyue Kingdom. Advisor: Hsueh-Man Shen
Tara Sami Dutt, Portraits of Sheedis in the Ishqnama: A Study of the Perceived Invisibility of the Lucknow Sheedi Community. Advisor: Prita Meier
Miray Eroglu, In the Market for Love: Depictions of Couples in Late 17th-18th Century Ottoman Paintings. Advisor: Finbarr Barry Flood
Drue Henegar, Difference and Decoloniality in the Work of Women Land Artists: Michelle Stuart, Ana Mendieta, Agnes Denes, Alice Aycock, and Beverly Buchanan. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Juan José Herrera de la Muela, Beyond iconography: Reflections on G.B. Tiepolo’s Royal Ceiling Fresco (1762-64). Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Xiaohan Hu, From Ruixiang to State Icon: The Transmission and Transformation of the Acuoye Guanyin Ruixiang in Yunnan. Advisor: Hsueh-Man Shen
Kaitlin Johndrow, Robes Reconsidered: Textile Allusions and their Exegetical Function in the Book of Durrow’s Symbol of the Evangelist Matthew. Advisor: Roger Weick
Stephanie Katsias, Combat Photography: Bruce Conner, Search & Destroy, and the Politics of the San Francisco Punk Scene. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Hannah Sage Kay, Weathering the Storm: Media Hoaxing as a Quasi-Antidote to Disinformation. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Charlotte Kinberger, Absent Bodies, Material Histories: Surrogates and Stereotypes in the Work of Gary Simmons. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Angelika Klein-Amunategui, The National World War II Memorial: At Peace Between Monument and Memorial. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Lilia Kudelia, The Problem of Scale in Television as an Art Medium: Robert Rauschenberg’s Brazos River Project (1976). Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Aiqi Li, Painting Religious Icons in the Early Republican Era: Wang Yiting’s Buddhist Art and Practices in the Mid-1920s. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Liqiao Li, Between Worldly and Sacred: Wu Bin’s Portable Illustrations of Arhats and the Popularization of Lay Buddhism in Late Ming Dynasty China. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Dongquan Long, Framing the Future: The Painted Borders Created by Vincent van Gogh and Georges Seurat. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Man Yin Kristie Lui, The Mirror and its Image: Subject-Object Legibility in Tang Dynasty Bronze Mirrors. Advisor: Hsueh-Man Shen
Kathleen Maher, Mary Corse and the Power of Painting: Understanding Perception in Mary Corse’s White Light Series. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Patricia McCall, Crossing the Threshold: Liminal Identity in the Illustrations of London, BL, MS Cotton Nero A.x.. Advisor: Roger Wieck
Cindy (Xinying) Qian, Song Dong and the Post-Communism Sensibility. Advisor: Pepe Karmel
Shen Qu, The Same Pattern Shared by Street Art and Conceptual Art: From Sherrie Levine and Louise Lawler to JR, Banksy and Mr. Brainwash. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Chloe Rudolph, From Grit to Oil: A Study of Select Carpaccio Sacra Conversazione Works from Drawing to Painting. Advisors: Colin Eisler and Dennis Geronimus
Charles Sainty, The Logical Medium: A Theoretical Overview of Computational Art under Three Computer Scientific Paradigms. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Alya Sama, The Weight of Words: Understanding Language in the Art of Zarina Hashmi. Advisor: Pepe Karmel
Megan Seldon, Wonder and Decolonization Within the Same Sphere: The Application of Emergent Strategy and Land Based Activism to Museum Spaces. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Elizabeth Skalka, Critiquing the Institution: Hans Haacke and Fred Wilson at the Venice Biennale. Advisor: Pepe Karmel
Xitong Tang, Rethinking the Photomontage Series From an Ethnographic Museum by Hannah Höch. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Linda Tauscher, The Temple of Dendur: The Modern Use of Ancient Objects and the Narrative of Global Cultural Heritage. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Daniel Umstaedter, Tell Me Everything: Re-Presenting Identity and Desire in the Work of Richard Prince. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Kaitlin Anne Vervoort, Negrophilia[phobia]: Racial Typologies and Performance in Otto Dix’s An die Schönheit and Großstadt. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Miquael Williams, Give Me Your Reverence and Your Love: Belkis Ayón’s Syncretic Icons and the Remaking of the Stations of the Cross. Advisor: Edward Sullivan
Tong Xue, Design and Construction: Southern Dynasties Molded Pictorial Brick Tombs. Advisor: Hsueh-Man Shen
Atoosa Youkhana, Women in Rome: Power, Influence, and Ambiguity. Advisor: Katherine Welch
Keqinhua Zhu, A Sense of Place: Synesthetic Experience in Zhao Zuo’s Atmospheric Landscape Paintings. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Kiki Madeline Barnes, Back to the Future: Postmodernism, Post-Humanity, and the Sublime in the work of Nix and Gerber. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Maria del Carmen Barney, Mariano Fortuny y Marsal: Perceptions of Orient and Other at the Crossroads of Culture. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Danarenae Donato, Mantegna’s Paintings for the Chapel of the Castello di San Giorgio Reconfigured and Reinterpreted. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Makenzi Fricker, Spatial Poems/Spatial Politics: An Aesthetics of Resistance in Cecilia Vicuña’s Precarios. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Andrés González, That or Which Monument: A Nonrestrictive Ontology of Reproduction in the Barcelona Pavilion, 1929/86. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Jiahui He, The World is a Garden: Reimagining Nusrati’s Gulshan-i ‘Ishq (Rose Garden of Love) Through an Eighteenth-century Deccani Illuminated Manuscript. Advisor: Dipti Khera
Marisa Kate Henthorn, Nectanebo II: The Legacy of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Juliet Huang, Louise of Savoy’s Epistles of the Heroines as a Fashion Statement. Advisors: Alexander Nagel and Colin Eisler
Scout Hutchinson, Occupying Space: Land Art and the Red Power Movement, c. 1965–1978. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Peter Moore Johnson, Archaism and the Construction of Identity in Royal Kushite Stone Sculpture. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Damasia Lacroze, Party and Revolt: The Early Works of Liliana Maresca in Post-Dictatorship Argentina. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Ken Li, Miró and Japan: Wabi-Sabi, Zen, and Beyond. Advisor: Robert Lubar Messeri
Claire Lipsman, Mode à la Mode: Fashion Dolls, Dress, and the Living Body in the Early Modern Era. Advisor: William Hood
Chloe Lovelace, The Architecture of Memory: Spolia and the Little Metropolis. Advisor: Thelma K. Thomas
Sizhuang Miao, The Chinese Woodcut Movement and the Newspaper Press during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Kasalina Maliamu Nabakooza, Excavating the Museum: Buganda Collections in the United Kingdom, 1898 – 2020. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Nicholas J. Nguyen, Sense and Sensibility: The Museum of Conceptual Art and the Counterculture Experiment in San Francisco, 1968-1970. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Jiayuan Peng, Adventure and Showmanship: Belzoni’s 1821 Exhibition at the Egyptian Hall. Advisor: Kathryn Howley
Anastassia Perfilieva, Painting, and Politics at Český Krumlov’s Masquerade Hall. Advisor: Meredith Martin
Amanda Pina, Renaissance of Nymphs: Reflecting on Female Sexuality in the Sixteenth-century Prints of the School of Fontainebleau. Advisor: Colin Eisler
Sarah Poisner, The Ingenuity, Virtuosity, and Functionality of Fictive Drawings in Paintings by Guercino and his Predecessors. Advisor: Linda Wolk-Simon
Samantha H. Rowe, Between Ephemera and Art: Reevaluating and Reassessing Archival Material in the Museum Context. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Emily B. Stein, About Time: The Display and Integration of Contemporary Art(ists) at Historic Sites and Traditional Museums. Advisor: Meredith Martin
Lauren Vaccaro, Accessorizing Identity: Fashion and Self representation in Surrealism. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Emireth Herrera Valdés, Visual Representations of Modern Dance through the Work of José Clemente Orozco and Carlos Mérida. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Grace Walsh, Les regnars traversans and Its Models: Allegory, Iconography, and Mutable Identity from the Printed to the Painted Page. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Ashley Nga Sai Wu, Buddhism and Artistic Practices on the West Coast. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Xiaofan Wu, At the Crossroads: Video Art in Post-Sense Sensibility: Alien Bodies and Delusion. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Yinxue Wu, Sonia Delaunay’s Bal Bullier: A Female Artist Rendering the Tango. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Fang Gina Xu, Unfired Clay Sculptures of Dunhuang. Advisor: Hsueh-man Shen
Andrea Zambrano, The Female Voice in the Mexican Story: The Murals of Fanny Rabel, Regina Raull, and Valetta Swann at the Museo Nacional de Antropología, 1963-1964. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Jenni Zhang, Overrepresentation of Tropical China in Eighteenth-century Meissen Chinoiserie: The Influence of Chinese Territorial Expansion, European Presence in Southern China, and Early Occidental Sinological Publications on Meissen Iconography. Advisor: Colin Eisler
Shelley Zhang, The Social and the Ritual: Reconsidering Ni Zan’s Painting and Inscription. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Sihan Zhang, Gustave Moreau: The Troubled Relation Between Two Sexes and the Complex Enigma of Androgyne. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Michael Stephen Agnew, The Ornaments of Authority and the Authority of Ornament: Diego de Sagredo’s Neo-Vitruvian Architecural Treatise, Medidas del romano (Toledo, 1526). Advisor: Marvin Trachtenberg
Viola Angiolini, The Artist, the Worker, the Architect, the Scientist: The Rhetoric of Labor in Francesco Lo Savio’s Work. Advisor Robert Slifkin
Maite Basaguren, Poetry, Drawings, Sculpture and the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Advisor: Colin Eisler
Alice Boadicea Bertherat, The Shape of Time: Analyzing the Incorporation of Contemporary Art in Historical Museums. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Jennifer Lynne Boggs, Blood in the Art of Magna Graecia: The Case of Paestan Tomb Paintings. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Chaochi Chiu, Reinventing Conventions: An Interpretation of the Prints of Paul Jacoulet and its Utilization of Traditions. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Sarah Frances Cohen, Now/Not Yet: Recontextualizing the (In)definite Temporality of the Monumental Last Judgment Scenes at Torcello’s Eleventh-Century Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta & Chora’s FourteenthCentury Church of the Holy Saviour. Advisors: Thelma Thomas and Robert Maxwell
Fangjie Deng, Returning to the Site: Huang Gongwang’s River and Hills Before Rain*. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Catherine G. Gause, Novy Byt: Popova, Stepanova, and the Constructivist Idea. Advisor: Christine Poggi
YangPiaoPiao Gong, Beyond the Classroom: The Naoxue Theme in Late-Ming and Qing Paintings, Illustrations, and Prints. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Hongzheng Han, Apolitical Voyeurism: Chinese Queer Bodies Through the Lens of Ren Hang*. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Phoebe Stewart Herland, Site Specific: Three Artists from Los Angeles at the Tate Gallery in 1970*. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Suzanne FitzGerald Heskin, The Artwork of Sibylla von Bondorf - Poor Clare from the Convent at Freiburg im Breisgau. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Jennifer Nadia Houdrouge, Becoming-Other: The Non-Human in the Work of Philippe Parreno. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Ayse Irem Ikizler, Emin Interviewing Emin: Reframing the Video Work of Tracey Emin within Theories and Methods of Interview-based Documentary Filmmaking. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Dashiell James Jordan, The Dawn of Immortality? A Symbolic Interpretation of Pink Polychromy in Centuripe Ware. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Jiwoo Kim, Reading Photographs: Imagining Lives Beyond Borders. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Kolleen Alexandra Ku, Broader Than Sense: Zaum and the Russian Avant-Garde Artists’ Book*. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Yizhuo Li, Liu Tao: A Photographer Untying*. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Kathryn C. McCrum, Animated Geometries: The Formal Complexity of Gordon Matta-Clark’s Later Building Cuts. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Sarah Myers, Shattering the ‘Glass Eye’: Thoughts on the ‘Infinite Camera’ and Its Conceptual Roots. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Alexandra Nordin, Paris in New York: Urban Palimpsests and Transtextuality. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Rie ShihWei Ong, Translation and Intermediality in the Pictorial Designs of Yongle Blue-and-White Porcelains. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Larimore Hampton Pivar, The Replication of Terracotta and Stucco Marian Reliefs in Early Renaissance Florence: Function, Materials, Meaning. Advisor: Michele Marincola
Allyson June Pockrass, A Beard Without A Jew: Balancing Art and Judaism at The Jewish Museum. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Xingyi Qi, China’s Role in the Design, Production and Circulation of Ko-sometsuke Porcelains. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Juan Gabriel Ramirez Bolívar, Between France and Colombia, the sculptural practice of Marco Tobón Mejía, (1910 - 1925). Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Vittoria Riccio, Jesuit identity in Latin America: Architectural Citation between Rome and Jerusalem. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Mallory Jane Roark, Beyond Reflection: The Multivalence of Stainless Steel in the Work of Isamu Noguchi*. Advisor: Lowery Stokes Sims
Amelia Frances Russo, Judd’s Objects are Like These Ideas of Quantum Mechanics: Contingency and Uncertainty in the Three-Dimensional Artworks of Donald Judd*. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Emily Rose Shoyer, How Do You Picture Something That Has Never Been Pictured? The Photograph Upended in the Work of Owanto and Aida Silvestri*. Advisor: Prita Meier
Anastasia Skoybedo, Life in Art: Aleksandr Labas and the “Third Current” of Soviet Art. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Jiajing (Lily) Sun, Writing Japan’s Modernity in Classical Chinese Calligraphy: Nakamura Fusetsu’s Ryūminjyō and the Six Dynasties School in Late Meiji*. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Emily Margot Sussman, Turning my laptop off now, I am very tired: Grosse Fatigue as Definitive New Media Art. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Jasmine Wahi, Who is Wrong and Who is White? What is Black and What is Right? Advisor: Edward J. Sillivan
Peiyue Wu, Pan Yuliang’s Depictions of Nude Female Bodies. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Fupeng Xie, Mountings and Boundaries: Major Color Changes in Chinese Hanging Scroll Mountings from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Century. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Alaina Zemanick, A form to the Spirits’: Reevaluating Pablo Picasso’s Relationship to his Colonial Postcard Collection. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Indira Abiskaroon, Reframing Paul Cézanne's Classicism. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Abigail Abric, The Deviant and the Disease: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Prostitution and Syphilis in the Work of Félician Rops. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Taylor Lauren Alessio, Sebald Beham's Siege of Vienna: Perspective, Politics, and Religion at the Dawn of Military Cartography. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Emily Behzadi, Maruja Mallo: The Framing of a Feminista. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Quinn R. Bolte, The Ornament of Personal Adornment: Silver Stained Bracelets in the Byzantine World. Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Phoebe Boosalis, From Page to Paint: Love Letters in Eighteenth-Century France. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Melanie Bühler, Portraiture's Bleeding Edges: Frans Hals's Unruly Paintings and Their Afterlife in Contemporary Art. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Pei-si ‘Peggy’ Chao, Memory and Destruction: The History of Taichung Shrine. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Scott Ryan Davis, The SAMO Avant-Garde: Henry Flynt's The SAMO© Graffiti and the Problem with Cultural Production 1963 – 1987. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Megan Ashley Dinoia, Joan MIró's 1970s Landscapes: Unearthing a Post-Franco Nationalism. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Alana Dull, Picturing the Garden: Jean Honoré-Fragonard and the French Picturesque. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Caroline Benson Evans, Regression, Authority, and Identity in the Works of Federico Antonio Carasso (1899-1969). Advisor: Kent Minturn
Kendall Elizabeth Follert, Les quelles qui se semblent, se rassemblent...!': George Adéagbo's Site-Specific Archive. Advisor: Christine Poggi
Ji Hye ‘Alice’ Han, “New Vision" of Tomatsu Shomei: Occupation Series and the U.S.-Japan Relationship of 1960s, Early 1970s”. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Brontë Hebdon, Cockades, Cravates, and Hot Pants: Aesthetic Politics and the Visual Language of Citizenship During the French Directory. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Yuxi Hou, From Big-Tailed Elephant to Yangjiang Group: Two Decades of Experimental Art in Pearl River Delta. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Yunli Huang, Visual Versatility and Cultural Specificity: A Transverse Study of Ink Paintings by Liu Kuo-sung. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Alyssa Marie Hughes, Golden Years in the Golden Age: Examining the Space and Place of Elderly Women Through the Painted Works of Nicolaes Maes. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Eva Grace Jensen, Eschewing the Footnote: Interrogating History and Memory at the 57th Swiss Pavilion. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Kim Eana, Embodiments of Autonomous Entities: Lynn Hershman Leeson's Artificially Intelligent Robots, Agent Ruby and DiNA. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Heyeon ‘Erin’ Kim, Elmgreen and Dragset's Immersive Installations: The Art World, Public Institutions, and Our Society. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Damla Koksalan, Mythologies of Chris Burden: Mediating Theology in Post-War Body Art. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Fosca Maddaloni, Cushioned Bliss: The Enclosed World of the Children at Play on 12th and 13th Century Cizhou Pillows. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Sanya Mirpuri, Shifting Views of Women: A View of the Emblematic Shifts in Johannes Vermeer's Works. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Susana Montanes LLeras, The Sorceress and the Dragon: Virginia Frances Sterrett's Illustration for Hawthorne's Tanglewood Tales. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Stacy Renee Newport, The Material of Counterculture: Reconsidering Fiber Art. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Lisa Angela Orcutt, Li Huasheng's 'Grids': Form and Context. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Leah Jeanette Orescan, Painting in Bloom: Contextualizing Still Life With A Bouquet in the Making and the Career of Dirck de Bray. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Ilhan Ozan, Unfolding Abstraction: Regionalism and Diplomacy in the Fifth Tehran Biennial (1966). Advisor: Kent Minturn
Mattos Paschal, They Still Live: Barbara Kruger and the Patriarchal Control of Women. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Haley Sierra Pierce, Illustrative Painting: The Influence of Printmaking in Fin-de-Siècle France. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Louisa Michelle Raitt, The Affect of Ambiguity: Spatial Construction in the Early Bodegones of Diego Velázquez. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Julian Sanchez Gonzalez, The Issue of the ‘Double-Outlier’: Contemporary Art from the Caribbean and Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Hannah Kate Simon, Imperial Cult Imagery in Asia Minor: Purpose, Precedence, and Peculiarity. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Maria Slautina, Recontextualization of Imported Chinese Rocks in Early Modern Japan: A Study in Transcultural Interactions. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Arielle Suskin, Cista with Cover in the Morgan Library: A Reassessment. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Mi Tian, Visualizing the Dual Identity: A Study of 'Elegant Gathering' Paintings Commissioned by Zeng Yu's Mufu System. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Alison Emilia Tufano, Finding Intimacy in the Union Square Subway Station: The Public Art of Mary Miss. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Mengyao Wang, Portraying the Mother, Portraying the Child: Doubling in the Photographic Portraits by Diane Arbus. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Yifei Wu, A Game of Forms: An Analysis of Landscape Prints from Green Mustard Seed Manual of Painting. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Yang Yang, Drawing a Fine Line: Artifice and Artistry in Henri Michaux’s Mescaline Series. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Melissa Noelle Young, Brush, Dab, Zoo: Animals That Paint. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Christina Aldrich, Sol Arnedo Catalan Romanesque in the Making: New Perspectives on the Contributions of Walter W.S. Cook. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Tiffany Apostolu, Maria Altering Perception of Space and Place: An Approach to Byzantine Mosaic Effects in Two Churches. Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Ellen Archie, The Triumph of Tryphe: Dionysian Themes on Luxury Goods From Ptolemaic Alexandria. Advisor: Clemente Marconi
Paige Allyn Bert, An Uneasy Alliance: The Role of the Metropolitan Musuem of Art in Forging the Identity of the Museum of Modern Art. Advisor: Philippe de Montebello
Emily Cohen, Hishta Wild Women: The Botanical Artists of Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Wildflower Field Guides in North America. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Rebecca Rose Cuomo, BLACK MATTER: Notes on Being & Becoming / Black Women & Brazil. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Harral Joseph Debauche, "Stud-Horse Frames" Put to Pasture: The Deframing of the Guggenheim. Advisor: Colin Eisler
Maria Fernanda Dominguez, The Portraits of Epifanio Garay: Intersections Between Painting and Photography in Nineteenth-Century Colombia. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Lauren Durling, Dali's Desire to Integrate. Advisor: Robert Lubar
Ellis Edwards, Out of the Ashes: The Sanctity of Modern Art in France's Post-War Chapels. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Mariam Saleem Farooqi, Grotesque Guardians: Using the Mansurah Bronzes to Explore Indo-Islamic Sculptural Hybridity in Medieval Sind. Advisor: Finbarr Barry Flood
Rebecca Gridley, Luca's Labors: Luca della Robbia's Working Methods, Works, and Medici Magnificence. Advisor: Patricia Rubin
Katherine Ann Halcrow, Monumental in the Making: The Development of Greek and Roman Water Structures. Advisor: Marconi, Clemente HAMM, Connor Unsettle the Score: Benjamin Patterson, Fluxus, and the Post-Visual Impulse in Art. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Regina Sarah Harsanyi, The Early Cinema of Exhibition: Projection in the Gallery Space Between 1921-1952. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Qing Huang, Cinematic Representation as History (Re-) Making Yang Fudong. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Bettina Anna Jackson Cantador, Engagement, Temporality, and Mediation: Luca Giordano's Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy. Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Da Hyung Jeong, A Double Modernism: Reconsidering Soviet Architecture of the Post-Stalinist Period, 1953-1991. Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Angel Jiang, Guillem Sagrera in Naples: Stones of Mallorca and the Architecture In-Between. Advisor: Robert Maxwell
Clarence Johns, Pop Icons: The Album Covers of Andy Warhol. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Kathleen Robin Joyce, Jasper Johns: Printmaking as a Technology of Doubt. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Soyoung Kim, Homes Across Continents: The Nomadic Touch of Do Ho Suh and His Art. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Jessica Eileen Kitz, The Art of Letter Writing: Personal Letters in the Visual Culture of the American Civil War. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Sofia Kofodimos, Collages in Motion: The Transformations and Dispersal of Ray Johnson's Moticos. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Naomi Kuroyima, Sekai-sei vs. Universality: Bokujin-kai's Aspirations for "World Relevance" (1951-60). Advisor: Kent Minturn
Jiete Li, The Late Ming Courtesan Painter Ma Shouzhen's 'Super-Brand': The Contribution of Inauthentic Paintings to a Discursive Field. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Kunhua Liu, A Study on the Painting Deities Descending To The Western Sacred Mountain. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Augusta Loomis, The Lucid Dream: Language and the Art of James Turrell. Advisor: Thomas Crow
Elizabeth Lyons, Frenhofer, Lantier, and Cezanne: Artistic Genius and Failure in Nineteenth-Century French Art and Literature. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Lisa Machi, Selective Identity Formation Processes of the Caucausian Iberian Elite as Expressed Through Glyptic Art. Advisor: Katherine Welch
Sarah Walsh Mallory, Placing Dutch Realism in Global Landscapes: Printed Images of Dutch Mauritius, c. 1600. Advisor: Mia Mochizuki
Shannon Mulshine, Roy Lichtenstein's Pyramids: A Study in Perspective". Advisor: Thomas Crow
Bermet Nishanova, A Late Antique Christian Textile Icon of the Holy Mary: A Tapestry Hanging in the Cleveland Museum of Art 1967. Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Laura Panadero, The Role of Material Experimentation in Irving Penn's Nudes, 1949-50. Advisor: Margaret Holben Ellis
Juwon Park, Music-Image Interplay in A Movie by Bruce Conner. Advisor: Ara Merjjian
Jared Quinton, Man Made Materials: Rene Pena and the Racialized Body. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Theresa Kathryn Rodewald, Rebuilding the Box: Mark Bradford, Theaster Gates, Museum Education, and the Collaborative Work of Art Accessibility. Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Kelley Stone, Circling an Elite Model: Evaluating the Continuity and Adaptation of the Tumulus By The Roman Empire. Advisor: Katherine Welch
Luis Andres Tescaroli Espinosa, Gustave Moreau's Salome: Ornament, Deadly Theatrics, and Phantasmagoria. Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Molly Katherine Thrailkill, Coding the Message to America. Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Anna Toptchi, Reaffirming the Phenomenological: Experiences of Environment and Geography in Icelandic Contemporary Art. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Sarah Beatrice Vodelman, Remembering and Preserving: The Realities of Political Violence in the Early Work of Maria Fernanda Cardoso and Doris Salcedo. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Rachel Lynn Vorsanger, The Bi-Continental Surrealism of Remedios Varo. Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Mengqi Xu, Panche Tu (Transport Cart Painting) in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1126): Meanings and Possibilities. Advisor: Jonathan Hay
Linda Yun, New Media and Politics in the Works of Hito Steyerl. Advisor: Kent Minturn
Sarah Gonzalez, The Demonic Mirror of Siyah Qalam: Societal Self-Perception through Depictions of Demons, Advisor: Pricsilla Soucek
Charlotte Healy, Between Weaving and Photography: Paul Klee’s Haptic Surfaces, Advisor: Robert Lubar
Betty Hensellek, A Reconsideration of the So-Called Sasanian Senmurv Kaftan, Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Briana Jackson, Universalizing Tendencies and the Exchange of Art and Luxury Goods in the Reigns of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten, Advisor: David O'Connor
Shannon Ness, The Juno in the Kitchen: Representations of Women in the Domestic Shrines of Pompeii, Advisor: Katherine Welch
Myungjin Shin, Frederick Law Olmstead's System of Parks and Parkways in the Emerald Necklace, Boston, Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Schuyler Swartout, Fifth-century Sarcophagi from Aquitania and the Question of Visigothis Patronage, Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Alzahraa Ahmed, Refiguring Figurines: The Many Lives of Amulets/Dolls across the Byzantine and Islamic Eastern Mediterranean, 6th -12th Century, Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Eva Bezverkhny, The New Vision: The Cinematic Apparatus in Russia, Germany, and France, 1920-1929, Advisor: Robert S. Lubar
Mary Brass, Roman Catholic Imagery and Philosophy in Rauschenberg's Work of the 1950s and 60s, Advisor: Thomas Crow
Michelle Brown, Dancing with Scissors: Embodied Responses to Matisse's Representations of Dance, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Natalie Bunnell, Modernismo and Magazine Illustration in Mexico City, 1890-1910, Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Emily Cannarella, Tradition, Imitation, and Ornament: Giorgio Vasari’s Holy Family with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Advisor: Patricia Rubin
Matthew Collins, Mussolini the Demigod: From Pictures and Words to Buildings and Streets, Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Alexandra Courcoulas, Constructing Cities/ Constructing Identities: Thessaloniki and Izmir in the early Twentieth Century, Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Alexander Coyle, Historical Problems and the Representation of Time at San Marco in Venice, Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Julie Emerson, Painting the "Authentic": Carlos Alberto Castellanos on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Austen Leigh De Pinto, Women of Aphrodisias: Female Portrait Sculpture in its Civic and Cultural Context, Advisor: Katherin Welch
Alexandra Gardiner, Women Avowed: Female Representations on Attic White Ground Lekythoi, Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Sarah Hardin, Charlotte Park’s Paintings and Abstract Expressionism, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Rebecca Jones, Hiroshi Sugimoto's Dioramas and Medieval Holy Images, Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Farisa Khalid, Starstruck: Thomas Hart Benton and Hollywood, Advisor: Thomas Crow
Emma Rose Kiefer, Andrea, Nardo, and Jacopo di Cionel Collaboration in Mid-Trecento Florentine Painting, Advisor: Alexander Nagel
Rachel Kim, Hervé Télémaque’s Return to Figuration, Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Emily Klasson, Deutschland will leben- Deutschland muß bauen: Architectural Exhibitions in Postwar Germany, Advisor: Jean-Louis Cohen
Melinda Lang, Un-stacking Judd’s Stacks: The Delegated Fabrication Process, Advisor: Jeffrey Weiss
Amelia Langer, Antonio Seguí, 1961-1970: Buenos Aires to Paris, Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Kimberly Marcelino, Disappearance and Depiction: Illustrations of Itinerant Traders in Post-Industrial Paris and London, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Emily Melchin, Women's Work: Images of Women by WPA-FAP Female Printmakers, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Amy Miranda, Three Critical Circuses for Roman Architecture: The Circus Maximus, Circus Varianus, and Circus of Maxentius, Advisor: Katherin Welch
Erika Nelson, The Collection of Jules S. Bache, Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Elizabeth Pisano, A Good Picture Always Sells Well?: Charles T. Yerkes and the Rise of Spectacle in the Modern Auction, Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Blanca De La Válgoma Rodríguez-Monge, Politics and Portraits: The Exchange of Royal Portraits between Spain, France and Austria in the 1650s, Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Blanca Serrano, The Baroque and the Neo-Baroque in the Cuban Visual and Literary Avant-Gardes, 1930-50, Advisor: Edward J. Sullivan
Kimia Shahi, …To draw the Eyes of the Spectators upon them: Bernard Picart and the Indian Image, in the Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde, Advisor: Finbarr Barry Flood
Frances Holly Shen, The Art/work of Mel Bochner’s Working Drawings, Advisor: Jeffrey Weiss
Samantha Small, Agency in Print: Kathe Kollwitz and Fin-de-Siècle German Print Culture, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Jeffrey Uslip, Cady Noland: Towards (And Against) A 1960s Methodology, Advisor: Robert Slifkin
Vittoria Vignone, From Attributes to Emblems: Pervasive Imagery of Cortigiane Oneste in Sixteenth-Century Italian Painting, Advisor: William Hood
Kathleen White, Damaged Child: Poor Children in Photography, Print and Film of the Great Depression, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Arielle Winnik, Silks with Ornamental Palmette Tree Designs in Late Antique Egypt, Advisor: Thelma Thomas
Sandra Williams, Antoin Sevruguin and His Contemporaries, Advisor: Priscilla Soucek
Allison Young, Penny Siopis' My Lovely Day: Film and the Politics of Memory in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Advisor: Linda Nochlin
Evan Williams, Ever Drifting: Anna Atkins and the Birth of the Photobook, Advisor: Robert Slifkin
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