Completed Dissertations
present–2020 | 2019–2010 | 2009–2000 | 1999–1990 | 1989–1980 | 1979–1970 | 1969–1960 | 1959–1950 | 1949–1940 | 1939–1930
Harry Bober, The Illustrations in the Printed Books of Hours: Iconographic and Stylistic Problems. Advisor: Walter W.S. Cook
Milton Wolf Brown, American Painting (1913-1939): From the Armory Show to the Depression. Advisor: Dimitri Tselos
Gertrude Marianne Coor, Coppo di Marcovaldo: His Art in Relation to his Time. Advisor: Richard Offner
Phyllis Barbara Bober, Studies in Roman Provincial Sculpture. Advisor: Karl Lehmann
Frances Gray Godwin, The Illustrations to the Book of Judith in the Middle Ages. Advisor: Walter W.S. Cook
Phyllis Lourene Lehmann, A Numismatic Approach to the Sculpture of Southern Italy and Sicily in the Classical Period. Advisors: Karl Hartleben-Lehmann and Erwin Panofsky
Bluma L. Trell, Architectura Numismatica Part II, Temples in Asia Minor. Advisor: Karl Lehmann-Hartleben
Donald Frederic Brown, Architectura Numismatica. Part One: The Temples of Rome. Advisor: Karl Lehmann-Hartleben
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Completed Dissertations
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