Completed Dissertations
present–2020 | 2019–2010 | 2009–2000 | 1999–1990 | 1989–1980 | 1979–1970 | 1969–1960 | 1959–1950 | 1949–1940 | 1939–1930
Barbara von Barghahn, The Pictorial Decoration of the Buen Retiro Palace During the Reign of Philip IV. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Lionel Bier, The “Sassanian Palace” Near Sarvistan. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Barbara Bohen, The Attic Geometric Pyxis. Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Edger Peters Bowron, The Paintings of Benedetto Luti (1666-1724). Advisor: Donald Posner
Ronny H. Cohen, Alexandra Exter and Western Europe: An Iquiry into Russian-Western Relations in Art, Theater and Design in the Early Twentieth Century. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Patricia D. Eichenbaum, The Development of a Narrative Cycle Based on the Life of the Buddha in India, Central Asia, and the Far East: Literary and Pictorial Evidence. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Elizabeth Gordon, The Panel Reliefs on Marcus Aurelius. Advisor: Peter von Blanckenhagen
Vivian A. Hibbs, The Mendes Maze: A Libation Table for the Genius of the Inundation of the Nile. Advisor: Bernard von Bothmer
Ira S. Mark, Nike and the Cult of Athena Nike on the Athenian Acropolis. Advisor: Evelyn B. Harrison
Melissa A. McQuillan, Painters and the Ballet, 1917-1926: An Aspect of the Relationship between Art and Theatre. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Marc H. Miller, Lafayette’s Farewell Tour of America, 1824-25: A Study of the Pageantry and Public Portraiture. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Linda Morey Papanicolaou, Stained Glass Windows of the Choir of the Cathedral of Tours. Advisor: Harry Bober
Peninah Petruck, American Art Criticism: 1910-1939. Advisor: Jim M. Jordan
Monica Strauss, The Master of the Barberinig Panels: Fra Carnevale. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Edward J. Sullivan, Claudio Coello and Late Baroque Painting in Madrid. Advisor: Jonathan Brown
Joan Diamond Udovitch, The Papeleu Master: a Parisian Manuscript Illuminator of the Early Fourteenth Century. Advisor: Florens Deuchler
Estelle J. Whelan, The Public Figure: Political Iconography in Medieval Mesopotamia. Advisor: Richard Ettinghausen
Paul Yule, Early Cretan Seals: A Study in Typology, Style and Chronology. Advisors: Donald P. Hansen and Jane Hayward
Marian Burleigh, George Russel (AE): The Painter of the Irish Renaissance. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Marianne Eaton-Krauss, The Representations of Statues on Old Kingdom Private Tombs. Advisor: Henry G. Fischer
Kristine Edmondson, The Psalter of Henry of Blois: A Study in Romanesque Manuscript Illumination. Advisor: Harry Bober
Laurie S. Fusco, The Nude as Protagonist: Pollajuolo’s Figural Style Explicated by Leonardo’s Study of Static Anatomy, Movement, and Functional Anatomy. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Kahtryn Moore Heleniak, William Mulready, R.A. (1786-1863): British Landscape and Genre Artist. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Joel Herschmann, The Thirteenth Century Chevet of the Cathedral of Coutances. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Judith W. Hurtig, The Armored Gisant Before 1400. Advisor: H.W. Janson
Marilyn Jenkins, Medieval Maghribi Ceramics. Advisor: Richard Ettinghausen
Charlotte Lacaze, The Vie de St. Denis Manuscript: (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Ms. Fr. 2090-2092). Advisor: Florens Deuchler
Sarah Bradford Landau, Edward T. And William A. Potter: American High Victorian Architects, 1855-1901. Advisor: Henry Russell Hitchcock
Jay Alan Levenson, Jacopo de’Barbari and Northern Art of the Early Sixteenth Century. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Charles B. McClendon, The Medieval Abbey Church at Farfa. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Leatrice Mendelsohn-Martone, Benedetto Varchi’s “Due Lezzioni”: Paragoni and Cinquecento Art Theory. Advisor: H.W. Janson
Anita Fiderer Moskowitz, Studies in the Sculpture of Andrea Pisano: Origins and Development of his Style. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Robert S. Nelson, Text and Image in a Byzantine Gospel Book in Istanbul (Ecumenical Patriarchate, cod. 3). Advisors: Hugo Buchtal and H.W. Janson
Charles E. von Nostitz, Late Gothic Sculpture of Cologne. Advisors: Colin T. Eisler
Ellen C. Schwartz, The Original Fresco Decoration in the Church of the Holy Apostles in the Patriarchate of Pec. Advisor: Hugo Buchthal
Nancy J. Scott, Vincenzo Vela (1820-91). Advisor: H.W. Janson
Isabel Combs Stuebe, The Life and Works of William Hodges. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Jaimee Elizabeth Uhlenrock, The Protomai from Gela: History, Chronology, Style. Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Michael L. Ward, Studies on the Pórtico de la Gloria at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Sally West-Robertson, Marguerite Gerard: 1761-1837. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Marina D. Whitman, Persian Blue-and-white Ceramics: Cycles of Chinoiserie. Advisor: Richard Ettinghausen
Kathleen Isabelle Matics, An historical analysis of the fine arts at Wat Phra Chetuphon, a repository of Ratanakosin artistic heritage. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Robert Nicholas Adams, Baldassare Peruzzi: Architect to the Republic of Siena 1527-1535. Advisor: Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt
Carol Moon Cardon, The Berlin Painter and his School. Advisor: Dietrich von Bothmer
Beth Cohen, Attic Bilingual Vases and their Painters. Advisor: Dietrich von Bothmer
Kathleen Alden Giles, The Strozzi Chapel in Santa Maria Novella: Florentine Painting and Patronage 1340-1355. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
William E. Hood, Jr., Titian’s Narrative Art: Some Religious Paintings for Venetian Patrons, 1518-1545. Advisor: Donald Posner
Charles T. Little, The Magdeburg Ivory Group: a Tenth Century New Testament Narrative Cycle. Advisor: Harry Bober
Vivian B. Mann, Romanesque Ivory Tablemen. Advisor: Harry Bober
Temily Mark-Weiner, Narrative Cycles of the Life of St. George in Byzantine Art. Advisor: Hugo Buchthal
Mario Thomas Martone, The Theme of the Conversion of Paul in Italian Paintings from the Early Christian Period to the Early Renaissance. Advisors: Colin T. Eisler and Günter H. Kopcke
Andrea S. Norris, The Tomb of Gian Galeazzo Visconti at the Certosa di Pavia. Advisor: H.W. Janson
Elizabeth Schwartzbaum, The Romanesque Sculpture of the Cathedral of Tournaui. Advisor: Harry Bober
Susan Mullin Vogel, Baule Art as the Expression of a World View. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Sarah Wilk, Iconological Problems in the Sculpture of Tullio Lombardo. Advisor: Irving Lavin
Robert Steven Bianchi, The Striding Draped Male Figure of Ptolemaic Egypt. Advisor: Bernard von Bothmer
Diana M. Buitron, Douris. Advisor: Dietrich von Bothmer
Zimeri Alvin Cox, Ugolino di Preste Ilario, Painter and Mosaicist. Advisor: H.W. Janson
Patrick M. De Winter, The Patronage of Philippe le Hardi, Duke of Burgundy 1364-1404. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Martha Levine Dunkelman, Donatello’s Influence on Italian Renaissance Painting. Advisors: H.W. Janson, Roy Sieber
Josephine Gear, Masters or Servants? A Study of Selected English Painters and their Patrons of the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Michael Jacoff, A Bolognese Psalter of the Late Thirteenth Century and its Byzantine Sources. Advisors: Hugo Buchthal and Henry G. Fischer
Constance Lowenthal, Conrat Meit. Advisor: H.W. Janson
Jane Timken Matthews, The Pantocrator: Title and Image. Advisor: Hugo Buchtal
Myra Dickman Orth, Progressive Tendencies in French Manuscript Illumination, 1515-1530: Goefroy la Batava and the 1520’s Hours Workshop. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Maurice Poirier, Studies on the Concepts of Disegno, Invenzione and Colore in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-century Italian Art and Theory. Advisor: Craig Hugh Smyth
Marie Tanner, Titian: The Poesie for Philip II. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Burr E. Wallen, Hemessen: Style and Iconography. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Carolyn Wilson, Bellini’s Pesaro Altarpiece: A Study in Context and Meaning. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Linda Freeman Bauer, On the Origins of the Oil Sketch: Form and Function in Cinquecento Preparatory Techniques. Advisor: Donald Posner
Mary Braman Buchan, The Paintings of Pieter Aertsen. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Slobodan Curcic, Granacia: History, Architecture and Relationship to Contemporary Paleogian Churchers. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
June Ellen Hargrove, The Life and Work of Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuse. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Dale Kinney, S. Maria in Trastevere form its Founding to 1215. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Richard E. Lamoureux, Alberti’s Church of San Sebastiano in Mantua. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Eunice Lipton, Picasso Critcisim, 1901-1939: The Making of an Artist-Hero. Advisor: Gert Schiff
John Ferrata Omelia, Niccolò da Foligno and his Frescoes for S. Maria-in-Campis. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Elizabeth Crawford Parker, The Descent from the Cross: Its Relation to the Extra-liturgical Depositio Drama. Advisor: Harry Bober
Sheila Schwartz, The Iconography of the Rest on the Flight into Egypt. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Christine Hunnikin Smith, The Baptisery of Pisa. Advisor: Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Marie Spiro, Critical Corpus of the Mosaic Pavements of the Greek Mainland, Fourth/Sixth Centuries with Architectural Surveys. Advisors: Irving Lavin and Marvin L. Trachtenberg
Walter Widrig, The Two Churches at Latrum Within the Context of Cyrenaican Church Forms. Advisor: Peter von Blanckenhagen
William Barcham, The Imaginary View Scenes of Antonio Canaletto. Advisor: Donald Posner
Pamela Berger, The Notitia Dignitatum. Advisor: Hugo Buchthal
Thomas Buser, The Pietà in Spain. Advisor: José López-Rey
Judith Colton, Monuments to Men of Genius: A Study of Eighteenth-century English and French Sculptural Works. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Wanda M. Corn, Andrew Wyeth: The Man, his Art, and his Audience. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Eugene J. Dwyer, Pompeian Sculpture in its Domestic Context. A Study of Five Pompeian Houses and their Contents. Advisor: Peter von Blanckenhagen
Madeline A. Fidell, The Graphic Art of Charles-François Daubigny. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Eunice Mylonas Hale, Charles Demuth: His Study of the Figure. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Alexandra Herz, The Sixtine and Pauline Tombs Sta. Maria Maggiore: an Iconographical Study. Advisor: Irving Lavin
Jim M. Jordan, Paul Klee and Cubism, 1912-1926. Advisor: Gert Schiff
Annette L. Juliano, Teng-Hsien: An Important Six Dynasties Tomb. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Peter Kinney, The Early Sculpture of Barolomeo Ammanati. Advisor: Olga Raggio
Roger Lipsey, Signature and Significance: A Study of the Life and Writings of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Advisor: Stella Kramrisch
Deborah Lipton, Francesco Squarcione. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Debra Pincus, The Arco Foscari, the Building of a Triumphal Gateway in Fifteenth-century Venice. Advisor: H.W. Janson
William Laurens Pressly, The Life and Art of James Barry. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Daniel Robbins, The Formation and Maturity of Albert Gleizes. Advisor: Craig Hugh Smyth
Sharon Off Dunlap Smith, Illustration of Raoul de Praelle’s Translation of St. Augustine’s City of God Between 1375 and 1420. Advisor: Craig Hugh Smyth
Harvey Stahl, The Iconographic Sources of the Old Testament Miniatures, Pierpont Morgan Library, M638. Advisors: Hugo Buchthal and Robert Goldwater
Richard Stapleford, The Excavation of the Early Christian Martyr’s Complex of Sinforsa near Rome. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Orestes H. Zervos, The Alexander Mint of Egypt. Advisor: Margaret Thompson and Richard Krautheimer
Norman D. Ziff, Paul Delaroche: A Study in Nineteenth-century French History Painting. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Ellen N. Davis, The Vapheio Cups and Aegean Gold and Silver Ware. Advisor: Günter H. Kopcke
Esther Gordon Dotson, Shakespeare Illustrated. Advisor: Walter Friedländer
William Steven Feldman, The Life and Work of Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848-1884). Advisor: José López-Rey
John J. Herrmann Jr., The Schematic Composite Capital: A Study of Architectural Decoration at Rome in the Later Empire. Advisors: Richard Krautheimer and Peter von Blanckenhagen
Patricia Schulze Hills, The Genre Painting of Eastman Johnson: The Sources and Development of his Style and Themes. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
John M. Hunisak, The Sculptor Jules Dalou: Studies in his Style and Imagery. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Sharon Jones, French Gothic Influence on North Italian Sculpture in the First Half of the Thirteenth Century: A Study of the Abbey of Vezzolano, S. Giustina in Padua, and the Duomo of Vercelli. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Donald D. Keyes, Aspects of the Development of Genre Painting in the Hudson River Area before 1852. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Marilyn Lavin, Studies in Urbinate Painting, 1458-1476, Piero della Francesca, Paolo Uccello and Joos van Ghent. Advisor: Craig Hugh Smyth
Ronald Malmstrom, S. Maria in Aracoeli at Rome. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Patricia Carroll Mandel, Homer Dodge Martin: American Landscape Painter. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Donald Frederick McCallum, The Evolution of the Buddha and Bodhisattva Figures in Japanese Sculpture of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Jerry D. Meyer, The Religious Paintings of Benjamin West; a Study in Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-century Moral Sentiment. Advisor: Robert Rosenblum
Mary B. Moore, Horses on Black-figure Greek Vases of the Archaic Period: Ca. 620-480 B.C. Advisor: Dietrich von Bothmer
James Morganstern, The Byzantine Church at Dereagzi. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Roald Nasgaard, Willumsen and Symbolist Art 1888-1910. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Suzanne Meek Pelzel, Perforated Sumerian Votive Plaques. Advisor: Donald P. Hansen
Eleanor G. Sims, The Garrett Manuscript of the Zafar-Name: A Study in Fifteenth-century Timurid Patronage. Advisor: Richard Ettinghausen
Patricia Waddy, Palazzo Barbarini: Early Proposals. Advisor: Irving Lavin
Barry Wind, Studies in Genre Painting: 1580-1630. Advisor: Donald Posner
Eric M. Zafran, The Iconography of Anti-Semitism: A Study of the Representation of the Jews in the Visual Arts of Europe, 1400-1600. Advisor: Colin T. Eisler
Jo Anne Gitlin Bernstein, The Architectural Sculpture of the Cloisters of the Certosa di Pavia. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Tseng Yu-Ho Ecke, Emperor Hui Tsung, the Artist, 1082-1136. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Helena Mary Fong, Secular Figure Painting of the T’ang Dynasty, A.D. 618-906. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Susan Joan Koslow, The Chevrot Altarpiece: Its Sources, Meaning and Significance. Advisors: Colin T. Eisler and Richard Krautheimer
Ralph E. Liberman, The Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli in Venice. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Maybelle Mann, Francis William Edmonds: Mammon and Art. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
William Silas Talbot, Jasper F. Cropsey, 1823-1900. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Richard J. Wattenkamer, The Art of William Glackens. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Toby E. S Yuen, Illusionistic Mural Decoration of the Early Renaissance in Rome. Advisor: Craig Hugh Smyth
Inabelle Levin, The Quedlinburg Itala Fragment. Advisor: Hugo Buchthal
Christine Lilyquist, Ancient Egyptian Mirrors from the Earliest Times through the Middle Kingdom. Advisor: Henry G. Fischer
Gerald Needham, The Paintings of Claude Monet, 1859-1878. Advisor: Robert Goldwater
Francis Lee Richardson, Andrea Schiavone. Advisor: Craigh Hugh Smyth
Priscilla Parsons Soucek, Illustrated Manuscripts of Nizami’s Khamseh: 1386-1482. Advisor: Richard Ettinghausen
Eleanor M. Tufts, A Stylistic Study of the Painting of Luis Melendez. Advisor: José López-Rey
Roy Asbjörn Boe, Edvard Munch: His Life and Work from 1880-1920. Advisor: H. W. Janson
Ellen Callmann, Apollonio di Giovanni.
Frank R. Di Federico, Studies in the Art of Francesco Trevisani: A Contribution to the History of Roman Painting, 1675-1750. Advisor: Donald Posner
Eugene J. Johnson, S. Andrea in Mantua. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Thomas Francis Mathews, The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy. Advisor: Richard Krautheimer
Penelope Mason Scull, A Reconstruction of the Hogen Heiji Monogatari Emaki. Advisor: Alexander Soper
Lauren Soth, The Mature Correggio: Studies in the Iconography and Chronology of the Later Paintings. Advisor: Erwin Panofsky
Thomas B. Stevenson, The Miniatures of the Vatican Virgil. Advisor: Hugo Buchthal
Brooks W. Stoddard, The Sculpture from the Abbey St.-Pierre at Airvault (Deux-Sevres). Advisor: Harry Bober
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