
In Memoriam | James R. McCredie
A Celebration of the Life and Career
of James R. McCredie
December 9th, 2018
The Institute of Fine Arts
James B. Duke House
One East 78th Street
New York City
Read the following transcripts of all the remarks delivered during the celebration.
Meredeth Winter
James R. McCredie’s daughter
Malcolm H. Wiener
Aegean Historian; Co-Founder and Chair Emeritus, New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium, The Institute of Fine Arts, New York Univsersity
Robert Pounder
Professor of Classics Emeritus, Vassar College
Margaret Holben Ellis
Chair of the Conservation Center; Eugene Thaw Professor of Paper Conservation, The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Roland R.R. Smith
Director of the NYU Excavations at Aphrodisias; Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, Oxford University
Clemente Marconi
James R. McCredie Professor in the History of Greek Art and Archaeology, The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Carol Mattusch
Mathy Professor of Art History Emerita, George Mason University
Mary Moore
Professor Emerita, Hunter College
Heather Horton
Visiting Assistant Professor, Pratt Institute
Maggie Popkin
Robson Junior Professor in the Humanities, Associate Professor of Art History, Case Western Reserve University
Bonna Wescoat
Director of Emory University and NYU Excavations at the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace; Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Art History, Emory University
The American School of Classical Studies named a student center after James R. McCredie. Read more on the American School of Classical Studies website.

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