Professional Development Workshops
On occasion, the Conservation Center offers professional development workshops in conservation technology and collections care that are open to conservators, artists, art historians, archivists, museum professionals, science professionals, and art history students. The workshops are usually held during the summer months when semester classes are not in session. Classroom lectures are oftentimes combined with hands-on laboratory practice to familiarize participants with current methodologies. Past workshop topics have included pressure sensitive tape removal, modular cleaning, McCrone microscopy, photodocumentation, spot testing, understanding continuous patterns in textiles, and the conservation of plastics.
To place your name on the mailing list, please e-mail conservation.workshops@nyu.edu
Workshop on the Care and Preservation of Time-Based Media Art in Latin America (TBMA in Latam)
IT'S ABOUT TIME! Workshops in Time-based Media (TBM) Art Conservation
Seats are limited. Early application is recommended to ensure a spot in any workshop. Late applications will be accepted if space allows. Applicants are requested to submit a statement on the applicability of the selected course(s) to their work, and a brief resumé listing their relevant education and employment background. This allows workshop instructors to shape the seminars according to participants’ needs.
Financial Aid
Partial financial assistance is occasionally available for qualified applicants who would otherwise be unable to participate. Applicants submit written statements of financial need, and, where appropriate, letters from their organizations endorsing their requests.
Travel and Housing
Participants are responsible for their own travel, meals, and housing arrangements. Recommendations for moderately priced accommodations are included with acceptance packets.
Conservation Program
Modern and Contemporary
Mellon Time-Based Media
Mellon Library and Archive
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