Conservation Alumni Publications
2015 - Current
Abbe, Mark B. “Art (in Antiquity).” In A Cultural History of Color, edited by Carole P Biggam, Kirsten Wolf, Amy Buono, Sven Dupré, Alexandra Loske, Anders Steinvall, and Sarah Street. London, UK ; New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
Abbe, Mark B. “New Evidence for Ancient Gilding and Historic Restorations on a Portrait of Antinous in the San Antonio Museum of Art.” In ASMOSIA XI: Abstracts. Split: University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, 2015.
———. “The Polychromy of Roman Sculpture.” In The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Abbe, Mark, and Giovanni Verri. “The ‘Bursa Relief’: A Noninvasive Analytical Investigation of an Exceptionally Painted Roman Marble Portrait.” In Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture, 166–82. Livorno: Sillabe, 2018.
Adams, Morgan. “Educating Library and Archives Conservators in Art Conservation Graduate Programs.” In Flood in Florence, 1966: A Fifty-Year Retrospective: Proceedings of Symposium, November 3 and 4, 2016, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 183–89. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2018.
Adams, Morgan Simms. “Extraordinary Ordinary: Physical Evidence and Treatment of a Seventeenth-Century Heraldic Manuscript.” Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 15 (2016): 347–64.
Alderson, Samantha, Jane L. Down, Christopher A. Maines, R. Scott Williams, and Gregory S. Young. “Potential Substitutes for Discontinued Poly(Vinyl Acetate) Resins Used in Conservation.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 58, no. 3 (2019): 158–79.
Alderson, Samantha, and Lisa Kronthal Elkin. “Fossil Vertebrate Specimens.” In Adhesive Compendium for Conservation, edited by Jane L. Down. Ontario: Canadian Conservation Institute, 2015.
Appelbaum, Barbara. Preserve, Protect, and Defend: A Practical Guide to the Care of Collections. New York, N.Y: Barbara Appelbaum Books, 2018.
Arden, Sasha. “The Potential of Augmented Reality (AR) in the Virtual Performance of Time-Based Media Art.” The Electronic Media Review 6 (2019).
Baglia, Regina A., G. Asher Newsome, and Mary W. Ballard. “Ambient Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Alizarin-Dyed Textile and Dye Transfer to Paper.” The Textile Specialty Group Postprints of Papers Delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session: American Institute for Conservation...Annual Meeting 28 (2018): 127–39.
Balachandran, Sanchita. “Bringing Back the (Ancient) Bodies: The Potters’ Sensory Experiences and the Firing of Red, Black and Purple Greek Vases.” Arts 8, no. 2 (June 2019): 70.
———. “New Light on Ancient Faces. Undergraduate Students at Johns Hopkins University Study Roman Egyptian Mummy Portraits.” E-News, International Committee for Egyptology in the International Council of Museums., 2016.
———. “Pedagogy and the ‘Working Collection’: Teaching Technical Research and Experimental Archaeology at the Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum.” In Engaging Conservation: Collaboration across Disciplines, 19–28. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2017.
———. “Race, Diversity and Politics in Conservation: Our 21st Century Crisis.” Conservators Converse: The Blog of the American Institute for Conservation (blog), May 2016.
———. “Reverse Engineering Ancient Greek Ceramics: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration.” National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Journal 37 (2016): 92.
———. “Technical Studies.” In Selections from the Eton College Myers Collection. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, 2016.
———. “Transformative Spaces: Dr. S. Paramasivan and Conservation Science in India in the Early Twentieth Century.” Studies in Conservation 64, no. 1 (January 2, 2019): 24–41.
———. “Uncovering Ancient Preparatory Drawings on Greek Ceramics.” The Getty Iris (blog), September 24, 2018.
Balachandran, Sanchita, and Kelly McHugh. “Respectful and Responsible Stewardship: Maintaining and Renewing the Cultural Relevance of Museum Collections.” In Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage, 100–120. New York: Society for the Preservation of Natural History. Accessed May 26, 2020.
Ballard, Mary, Laura Mina, Cathleen Zaret, and Carol Grissom. “A Biological Disaster to Costume.” The Textile Specialty Group Postprints of Papers Delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session: American Institute for Conservation...Annual Meeting 26 (2017): 75–87.
Ballard, Mary W., Allison Gentry, and Namrata Dalela. “Old and New Solutions to Dissipate Static Charge for Plexiglas Pressure Mounts.” The Textile Specialty Group Postprints of Papers Delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session: American Institute for Conservation...Annual Meeting 28 (2018): 173–77.
Barack, Sarah, Beth Edelstein, Colleen Snyder, and Ellen Chase. “Creating a National Outreach through Local Connections: The American Institute for Conservation’s K-12 Education Outreach Working Group.” In ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017. Paris: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 2017.
Barro, Lisa, Katherine Sanderson, Silvia A. Centeno, and Beth Saunders. “The Exhibition and Characterization of Seven Salted Paper Prints.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 59, no. 3–4 (October 1, 2020): 171–85.
Barten, Julie. “Pablo Picasso’s Woman Ironing and the Portrait Hidden Beneath.” In Thannhauser Collection: French Modernism at the Guggenheim. New York, New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications; New York, New York, 2018.
Barten, Julie, Francesca Casadio, Johanna Salvant, Carol Stringari, Ken Sutherland, and Marc Walton. “A Wealth of Optical Expression: László Moholy-Nagy’s Works in the Collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.” Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Paintings Specialty Group) 28 (2015): 41–53.
Barten, Julie, Anna Laganà, and Thea van Oosten. “Seen from behind: Consolidation of Painted Works on Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) by László Moholy-Nagy.” In ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017. Paris: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 2017.
Barten, Julie, Sylvie Penichon, and Carol Stringari. “The Materialization of Light.” In Moholy-Nagy: Future Present. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2016.
Bartolozzi, Giovanni, Marcello Picollo, Veronica Marchiafava, Silvia A. Centeno, Isabelle Duvernois, Francesca Di Girolamo, Francesca Modugno, Jacopo La Nasa, Maria Perla Colombini, and Antonio Rava. “Anselm Kiefer: A Study of His Artistic Materials.” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8, no. 3 (2016): 563–74.
Beaubien, Harriet F., Ainslie C. Harrison, and Kim Cullen Cobb. “Crossing the ‘River of Gold’ from Sitio Conte to El Caño, Panama: An Historical Perspective on Archaeology/Conservation Collaboration.” In Engaging Conservation: Collaboration across Disciplines, 171–80. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2017.
Beckett, Fiona, Amanda Holden, and Gregory Dale Smith. “Seeing the Light: Research, Conservation and Exhibition of a 1980s Daylight Fluorescent Painted Leather Jacket Designed by Sprouse and Painted by Castronovo.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 58, no. 4 (October 2, 2019): 233–47.
Beltinger, Caroline, and Jilleen Nadolny, eds. Painting in Tempera, c. 1900. Kunstmaterial 4. Zürich: Swiss Institute for Art Research ; London, 2016.
Berg, Sara, and Sanchita Balachandran. “Housing Archaeological Collections.” Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum, 2019, 73.
Bertalan, Sarah. “Foxing and Reverse Foxing: Condition Problems in Modern Papers and the Role of Inorganic Additives.” The Book & Paper Group Annual 34 (2015): 13–22.
Bezur, Anikó, Pedro H. O. V. Campos, Silvia A. Centeno, Isabelle Duvernois, Frauke V. Josenhans, Pablo Londero, Ana Gonçalves Magalhães, Márcia Rizzutto, and Cynthia Schwarz. “Modigliani’s Late Portraits.” The Burlington Magazine 160, no. 1382 (2018): 400–407.
Bloser, Joy, and Lynda Zycherman. “Dark Discoloration on Aristide Maillol’s Outdoor Lead Sculpture: Identification, Formation, and Further Research.” In Metal 2019: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group. Neuchâtel, 2019.
Bloser, Joy, Lynda Zycherman, Abed Haddad, Ana Martins, and Chris McGlinchey. “El Anatsui: Conservation Concerns Beyond Installation.” In Metal 2019: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group. Neuchâtel, 2019.
Bolin, Courtney Anne, and Mary Ballard. “Assessing LED Lights for Textile Colorants.” The Textile Specialty Group Postprints of Papers Delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session: American Institute for Conservation...Annual Meeting 24 (2016): 85–95.
Bordonaro, M. and Desirae Peters. “An Attribution: Madonna Della Misericordia by Pietro Da Vicenza.” Arte Veneta 73 (2016).
Bottkol, Joannie, and Angela Campbell. “Collecting Collections: Negotiating Material Value at the National Park Service.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 58, no. 4 (2019): 260–73.
Breare, Caitlin. “The Monopoli Altarpiece: Rediscovery and Recovery of a Cretan-Venetian Masterpiece.” Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Paintings Specialty Group) 30 (2017): 27–36.
———. “The Other Woman: The Nature of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco’s Breton Girl.” Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Paintings Specialty Group) 28 (2015): 25–34.
Breuker, Margaret, and Joannie Bottkol. “The Removal of Biological Material from Calcareous Stone Monuments.” In Biodeterioration and Preservation in Art, Archaeology and Architecture. London (United Kingdom): Archetype Publications Ltd., 2018.
Broadway, Mary E., Harriet K. Stratis, and Marc S. Walton. “Cast in a New Light: Surface Topographies of Paul Gauguin’s Transfer Drawings.” Journal of the Institute of Conservation 41, no. 3 (2018): 206–17.
Broadway, Mary, and Harriet K. Stratis. “Challenging the Myths Surrounding Paul Gauguin’s ‘Little Marvels.’” The Book & Paper Group Annual 36 (2017): 7–11.
Brost, Amy. “A Documentation Framework for Sound in Time-Based Media Installation Art / Amy Brost.” The Electronic Media Review 5 (2017).
Brostoff, Lynn. “RATS in Context.” AIC News 41, no. 1 (2016): 1, 3–4.
Brostoff, Lynn, Carol Lynn Ward-Bamford, Stephanie Zaleski, Elizabeth Montagnino, Andrew Buechele, Isabelle Muller, Tara Diba, Jason Zara, Murray Loew, and Fenella France. “Characterization of the Surface Alteration Layer in 19th-Century Potassium Silicate Glass.” In Recent Advances in Glass and Ceramics Conservation 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Glass and Ceramics Working Group and Icon Ceramics and Glass Group Conference, 5-7 September 2019, London, United Kingdom. Paris (France): ICOM-CC, 2019.
Brostoff, Lynn, Stephanie Zaleski, Carol Lynn Ward-Bamford, Elizabeth Montagnino, Isabelle Muller, Andrew Buechele, Murray Loew, and Fenella France. “Nineteenth Century Glass Manufacture and Its Effect on Photographic Glass Stability.” Journal of the Institute of Conservation 43, no. 2 (2020): 125–41.
Brugioni, Kathryn. “Eraser Cleaning of Gypsum Plaster: Evaluating Damage Potential Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging.” Objects Specialty Group Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Objects Specialty Group) 22 (2015): 205–24.
Buchberg, Karl. “Henri Matisse’s The Swimming Pool: Conservation and Exhibition.” The Book & Paper Group Annual 36 (2017): 103–7.
Buchberg, Karl D, and Lee Ann Daffner. “Technical Note: Photomechanical Reproduction and Dadaglobe.” In Dadaglobe Reconstructed. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2016.
Bunz, Sophie, Brian Castriota, and Flaminia Fortunato. “How Sustainable Is File-Based Video Art? Exploring the Foundations for Best Practice Development.” The Electronic Media Review 4 (2015).
Burnstock, A., Isabelle Duvernois, and Lena Stringari. “The Modigliani Technical Research Study: Modigliani’s Painted Nudes, 1916-17.” Burlington Magazine 160 (April 1, 2018): 319–24.
Butler, Cornelia H., Margaret Holben Ellis, Lindsey Tyne, Alex Potts, Morgan Library Pierpont, and Museum Hammer. Dubuffet Drawings, 1935-1962. Edited by Isabelle Dervaux. New York, New York: Thames & Hudson, in association with the Morgan Library & Museum, 2016.
Cai, Xiaoping, Emily Williams, Sylvia Albro, Lynn Brostoff, Claire Dekle, and Meghan Wilson. “The Conservation Treatment and Scientific Analysis of an 18th-Century Armenian Prayer Scroll.” The Book & Paper Group Annual 37 (2018): 8–20.
Calder, Barnabas, Susan MacDonald, Claudia Devaux, Paul Gaudette, Rosa Lowinger, and Ana Paula Arato Gonçalves. “Conserving Concrete: Live Roundtable Discussion for the Launch of Conservation Principles for Concrete of Cultural Significance.” Los Angeles (California, United States), San Bruno (California, United States): Getty Conservation Institute, 2020.
Capua, Rebecca. “Japonisme and Japanese Works on Paper: Cross-Cultural Influences and Hybrid Materials.” In Adapt & Evolve 2015: East Asian Materials and Techniques in Western Conservation: Proceedings from the International Conference of the Icon Book & Paper Group, London 8–10 April 2015, 28–42. London: Institute of Conservation, 2017.
Carò, Federico, Silvia A. Centeno, and Dorothy Mahon. “Painting with Recycled Materials: On the Morphology of Calcite Pseudomorphs as Evidence of the Use of Wood Ash Residues in Baroque Paintings.” Heritage Science 6 (2018).
Castriota, Brian. “Authenticity, Identity, and Essentialism: Reframing Conservation Practice.” In What Is the Essence of Conservation? Materials for a Discussion: Papers from the ICOM-CC and ICOFOM Session at the 25th General Conference Held in Kyoto, 4 September 2019. Paris (France) : Paris (France): ICOM International Committee for Museology, ICOM-CC, 2019.
Castriota, Brian. “Instantiation, Actualization, and Absence: The Continuation and Safeguarding of Katie Paterson’s Future Library (2014–2114).” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 60, no. 2–3 (July 3, 2021): 145–60.
Castriota, Brian. “Variants of Concern: Authenticity, Conservation, and the Type-Token Distinction.” Studies in Conservation 67, no. 1–2 (February 17, 2022): 72–83.
Chao, Raina. “Compensation for Small Losses to Lacquer and Inlaid Decoration Using Paper Fills Painted and Glazed in Situ.” Studies in Conservation 61, no. 3-Supp (2016): 149–54.
Chao, Raina, and Hugh Shockey. “One Device to Document Them All: Exploring an All-in-One Solution for Digital Condition Reporting and Beyond.” Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation) 40, no. 2 (2018): 21–25.
Chui, Sue Ann, and Yvonne Szafran. “A Perfectionist Revealed: The Resourceful Methods of Andrea Del Sarto.” In Andrea Del Sarto: The Renaissance Workshop in Action, 13–19. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2015.
Cianchetta, Ilaria, Jeff Maish, David Saunders, Marc Walton, Apurva Mehta, Brendan Foran, and Karen Trentelman. “Investigating the Firing Protocol of Athenian Pottery Production: A Raman Study of Replicate and Ancient Sherds.” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46, no. 10 (2015): 996–1002.
Cianchetta, Ilaria, Karen Trentelman, Marc Sebastian Walton, Jeffrey Maish, Apurva Mehta, and Brendan Foran. “Reverse Engineering Ancient Greek Ceramics: Morphological and Spectral Characterization of Replicates.” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99, no. 5 (2016): 1792–1801.
Clarke, Matthew L., Constance McCabe, Christopher A. Maines, Silvia A. Centeno, Lisa Barro, and Anna Vila. “An Investigation into Japine Platinum Photographs: William Willis’s Proprietary Paper.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 54, no. 4 (2015): 213–23.
Coddington, Jim, and Jennifer Hickey. “Seeking Aesthetic Balance: The Restoration of Three Jackson Pollock Paintings.” Getty Research Journal 9, no. S1 (2017): 79–98.
Colloton, Eddy, and Kate Moomaw. “Rewind, Pause, Playback: Addressing a Media Conservation Backlog at the Denver Art Museum.” The Electronic Media Review 5 (2017).
Conte, Lisa, Christine Frohnert, Lisa Nelson, and Julia Sybalsky. “Overcoming Obsolescence: The Examination, Documentation, and Preservation of Nam June Paik’s TV Cello.” The Electronic Media Review 2 (2013): 1–9.
Conte, Lisa, Joe Graham-Felsen, and Amanda Trienens. “The Slurry Wall: Past, Present, and Future.” Studies in Conservation 65, no. 1-Supp (2020): S44–50.
Cossairt, Oliver, Xiang Huang, Nathan Matsuda, Harriet Stratis, Mary Broadway, Jack Tumblin, Greg Bearman, Eric Doehne, Aggelos Katsaggelos, and Marc Walton. “Surface Shape Studies of the Art of Paul Gauguin.” In 2015 Digital Heritage, 2:13–20, 2015.
Daher, Céline, Ken Sutherland, Harriet Stratis, and Francesca Casadio. “Paul Gauguin’s Noa Noa Prints: Multi-Analytical Characterization of the Printmaking Techniques and Materials.” Microchemical Journal 138 (May 1, 2018): 348–59.
Danzing, Rachel, and Ann Baldwin. “Pilot Project for the Treatment of Photogravures on Gampi Paper by Edward Curtis (1868-1952).” Topics in Photographic Preservation 17 (2017).
Davis, Suzanne, and Geoff Emberling. “Graffiti at El-Kurru: The Funerary Temple.” In Graffiti as Devotion along the Nile and Beyond, 25–38. Kelsey Museum Publications 16. Ann Arbor, MI: The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 2019.
Davis, Suzanne, Richard L. Kerschner, Susanne Gänsicke, Ellen Pearlstein, Catharine Hawks, Rebecca Kaczkowski, and Dennis Piechota. “Objects of Potential: Commentary on ‘Objects’ Conservation.” AIC News 40, no. 2 (2015): 6–9.
Davis, Suzanne L. “Understanding and Improving Gender Equity in Conservation.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 58, no. 4 (2019): 202–16.
Davis, Suzanne L., Caroline Roberts, and Janelle Batkin-Hall. “A Comprehensive Approach to Conservation of Ancient Graffiti at El Kurru, Sudan.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 57, no. 1–2 (April 3, 2018): 1–18.
DeGhetaldi, Kristin, Samantha Alderson, and Joyce Hill Stoner. “PVA Retouching Colors: A Brief History and Introduction to Golden’s Newly Formulated PVA Conservation Colors.” In 4th Annual International Meeting on Retouching in Cultural Heritage Postprints. Split, 2017.
Delidow, Margo, Jessica Pace, and Eric Meier. “Conservation of Christo/Paik Wrapped TV (1967): Documentation and Treatment of a Collaborative Artwork.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 55, no. 4 (2016): 228–37.
Drayman‐Weisser, Terry, and Stephanie E. Hornbeck. “An Art Conservation Perspective: Saving the African Elephant and Ivory Cultural Heritage.” Curator: The Museum Journal 61, no. 1 (2018): 161–85.
Duvernois, Isabelle, Julie Arslanoglu, and Silvia A. Centeno. “Cut from the Same Cloth: A Technical Comparison of Jackson Pollock’s Pasiphaë and Mural.” Getty Research Journal 9, no. S1 (2017): 61–78.
Effmann Clifford, Elise. “John Roddam Spencer Stanhope: Lessons Learned from the Masters.” In Truth and Beauty: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Old Masters, 251–59. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 2018.
———. “Love and the Maiden by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope: Assumptions and the Importance of Analysis.” In Tempera Painting 1800-1950: Experiment and Innovation from the Nazarene Movement to Abstract Art. Munich: Archetype, 2019.
Effmann Clifford, Elise, and Claire Barry. “The Conservator’s Eye: The Materials and Painting Methods of the Brothers Le Nain.” In The Brothers Le Nain: Painters of Seventeenth-Century France, 364–89. Kimbell Art Museum, 2016.
Ellis, Margaret Holben. “Environment and the Care of Prints and Drawings.” AASLH Technical Leaflet, no. 280 (2017).
———. “Going Beyond the Bench - The Paper Conservator Today.” Restaurator. International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material 40, no. 3–4 (2019): 311–21.
———. The Care of Prints and Drawings. Second edition. American Association for State and Local History Book Series. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.
———. “Unexpected FAME & UnFORTUNE.” In Postprints Institute of Conservation, Book and Paper Group, 2nd Triennial Conference, 2020.
Ellis, Margaret Holben, and Marjorie B. Cohn. “Drawing for Printing: An Expanded Fabrication Narrative for Dürer’s Adam and Eve of 1504.” Master Drawings 55, no. 4 (2017): 435–52.
Ellis, Margaret Holben, Rosaleen Hill, Narayan Khandekar, Frank Matero, Debra Hess Norris, and Jennifer Haln Teper. “Diversity Efforts: The Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation (ANAGPIC).” AIC News 44, no. 5 (2019): 1, 6–11.
Ellis, Margaret Holben, C.R. Johnson Jr., William A. Sethares, Saira Haqqi, Reba Fishman Snyder, and et al. “The Application of Automated Chain Line Pattern (CLiP) Matching to Identify Paper Mouldmate Candidates in Rembrandt’s Prints.” In New Directions in the Study of Rembrandt and His Circle, 319–34. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, 2017.
Ellis, Margaret Holben, and C. Richard Johnson Jr. “Computational Connoisseurship: Enhanced Examination Using Automated Image Analysis.” Visual Resources 35, no. 1–2 (April 3, 2019): 125–40.
Ellis, Margaret Holben, and Lindsey Tyne. “Myth and Manipulation: Deconstructing and Reconstructing: Dubuffet’s Imprints and Their Assemblages.” In Dubuffet Drawings, 1935-1962, 71–83. New York: The Morgan Library & Museum, 2016.
———. “Perilous Message, Precarious Medium.” In Dreams in Dust: The Pastels of Lucas Samaras, 25–31. New York: Morgan Library & Museum, 2016.
Engel, Nina L., and Suzanne Siano. “Airbrushing in the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Painted Artworks.” Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Paintings Specialty Group) 28 (2015): 79–87.
Ferris, Quinn Morgan. “Medium-Rare: An Innovative Treatment Approach to the Space between General and Special Collections.” The Book & Paper Group Annual 36 (2017): 41–51.
Ferris, Quinn Morgan, Jennifer Hain Teper, and Eric Benson. “A Case for a New Case Paper: From Farm to Table to Desk to Bench.” Book and Paper Group Annual, 2019.
Frank, Emily B. “Lights, Camera, Archaeology: Documenting Archaeological Textile Impressions with Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI).” The Textile Specialty Group Postprints of Papers Delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session: American Institute for Conservation...Annual Meeting 25 (2017): 11–42.
Frank, Emily B., and Brian Castriota. “Fifty-Plus Years of On-Site Metals Conservation at Sardis: Correlating Treatment Efficacy and Implementing New Approaches.” In Preprints of the 19th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference in Beijing. Archaeological Materials and Sites Working Group, 2021.
Frank, Emily B., Margaret Holben Ellis, Lydia Aikenhead, and Paul Messier. “The Computational Analysis of Watermarks: Setting the Stage for the Development of a Watermark Imaging Box (WImBo).” In 52nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 1–4, 2018.
Frank, Emily B., M. Paulson, C. Snow, and P. Londero. “A Preliminary Investigation into the Use of Laser Cleaning to Stabilize Bronze Disease.” Postprints of the AIC Annual Meeting, Objects Specialty Group, Forthcoming 2019.
Ganio, Monica, Johanna Salvant, Jane Williams, Lynn Lee, Oliver Cossairt, and Marc Walton. “Investigating the Use of Egyptian Blue in Roman Egyptian Portraits and Panels from Tebtunis, Egypt.” Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing 121, no. 3 (2015): 813–21.
Gaylord Resch, Laura, Beth Edelstein, and Justin Baker. “A Case Study in Establishing and Maintaining Elevated RH Levels in Microclimate Casework.” Postprints of the Research and Technical Studies Group (AIC) 8 (2020): 58–61.
Gleeson, Molly, Evelyn Mayberger, Hiroko Kariya, Lucy-Anne Skinner, Josef Wegner, Matthew Adams, and Eman H. Zidan. “Conservation at Abydos: Past Practices and Future Possibilities.” In Engaging Conservation: Collaboration across Disciplines, 57–64. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2017.
Goldberg, Lisa, and Rachael Perkins Arenstein. “Storage Techniques for Art, Science and History Collections (STASHc.Com): An Online Resource for Collection Storage. In From Boxes to Buildings: Creative Solutions for the Storage of Textiles and Dress: Forum of the ICON Textile Group, 27 March 2017, the Assembly Rooms, Bath. London (United Kingdom): Institute of Conservation, 2017.
Gridley, Rebecca, Kari Rayner, and Tony Sigel. “A Failure Shared Is Not a Failure: Learning from Our Mistakes: 3rd Annual Mistakes Session, July 31, 2020.” Washington DC, San Bruno: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 2020.
Gridley, Rebecca, and Karen Stamm. “Seeing Clearly: Casting Epoxy Fills for Glass Objects Using Transparent Molds.” Objects Specialty Group Postprints, Forthcoming 2019.
———. “Using Double-Walled PVC Foil Molds to Separately Cast Large Epoxy Resin Fills for Glass Objects.” In Recent Advances in Glass and Ceramics Conservation, 101–10. London: The British Museum, 2019.
Gross, Markus, Nadim Scherrer, Friederike Steckling, and Stefan Zumbühl. “Studio Tip: Future Prospects of Conservation Treatments with a Micro-Aspirator Tool.” Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Paintings Specialty Group) 30 (2017): 115–19.
Hamilton, Vivien. Drawn in Colour: Degas from the Burrell Collection. London: National Gallery Company; New Haven, 2017.
Haqqi, Saira. “The Rationale for Rebinding at the Pierpont Morgan Library in the Early 20th-Century: A Study of Bindings by Marguerite Duprez Lahey.” The Book & Paper Group Annual 35 (2016): 17–29.
Hatchfield, Pamela. “Evaluating Materials Used for Collection Storage.” In Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage. SPNHC, 2019.
———. “The Bersha Procession in Context.” In The Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Dorothea Arnold, 311–30. Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar 19. New York, 2015.
———. “Wood and Related Products.” In Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage. SPNHC, 2019.
Hatchfield, Pamela, Janelle Batkin-Hall, Camille Bourse, Jan Dariusz Cutajar, and Evelyn Mayberger. “Working Together: Community, Conservation, and Preservation Strategies for Royal Painted Tombs at El-Kurru, Sudan.” Studies in Conservation 65, no. 1-Supp (2020): S132–38.
Hatchfield, Pamela, Briana Feston, Diana Johnson Galante, Erin Kitagawa, Jessica Pace, Amy Tjiong, Kristen Watson Adsit, et al. “Reduced, Reused and Recycled: The Treatment and Redisplay of a Repurposed Seventeenth-Century Coromandel Lacquer Screen in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence.” Studies in Conservation 61, no. 3-Supp (2016): 117–23.
Hatchfield, Pamela, and P. Parmigianni. “Tracing the Past: Observations on a Gilded Marble Relief Attributed to Francesco Di Simone Ferrucci.” Beijing, 2020.
Hatchfield, Pamela, and Petert Schertz. “Made from Life: A Roman Terracotta Portrait in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 61 (2016): 22–39.
Hayes, Matthew. “On the Origins of Alois Riegl’s Conservation Theory.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 58, no. 3 (July 3, 2019): 132–43.
———. The Renaissance Restored: Paintings Conservation and the Birth of Modern Art History in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2021.
———. “Titian’s Portrait of Guidobaldo II Della Rovere and His Son Francesco Maria II: Technique, Change, and Conservation.” Kermes 32, no. 114–115 (2019): 109–18.
Hepworth, Paul. “Defining the Need for Conservation.” In Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: An Introduction, 544–51. Hamburg: COMSt, 2015.
———. “Yekşah Tooling: A Technique Not an Identity.” Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 16 (2018): 323–43.
Heywood, Ann. “A Statuette of Two Men and a Boy from the Amarna Period, Part II: Materials Analysis and Imaging.” In The Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Dorothea Arnold. Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar ; v.19. New York: The Egyptological Seminar of New York, 2015.
Hickey, Jennifer. ...“...Designed to Exist in Passing Time: Robert Rauschenberg’s Black Painting.” In Authenticity in Transition: Changing Practices in Art Making and Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the University of Glasgow, 1-2 December 2014, 72–80. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2016.
Hickey, Jennifer, and David Reed. “Joan Mitchell’s Harbor December.” In Joan Mitchell. Yale University Press, 2020.
Hill, Marsha, and Deborah Schorsch. “Ptah’s Profile.” Another Mouthful of Dust: Egyptological Studies in Honour of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 246 (2016): 251–307.
Holden, Amanda, Fiona Beckett, and Gregory Smith. “Seeing the Light: Conservation and Exhibition of a 1980s Daylight Fluorescent Painted Leather Jacket.” The Textile Specialty Group Postprints of Papers Delivered at the Textile Subgroup Session: American Institute for Conservation...Annual Meeting 25 (2017): 95–110.
Hornbeck, Stephanie E. “Elephant Ivory: An Overview of Changes to Its Stringent Regulation and Considerations for Its Identification.” Objects Specialty Group Postprints (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. Objects Specialty Group) 22 (2015): 101–21.
Hornbeck, Stephanie E., and Dana L. Moffett. “Altered Surfaces, Taking the Long View: Applications of Ethnographic Conservation Practices to the Conservation of Contemporary Art.” Studies in Conservation 61, no. 2-Supp (2016): 84–90.
Howe, Ellen, Emily Kaplan, Richard Newman, James H. Frantz, Ellen Pearlstein, Judith Levinson, and Odile Madden. “The Occurrence of a Titanium Dioxide/Silica White Pigment on Wooden Andean Qeros: A Cultural and Chronological Marker.” Heritage Science 6 (2018).
Hughes, Amy. “Measurement of Surface PH of Paper Using Agarose Gel Plugs: A Feasibility Study.” In Gels in the Conservation of Art, 62–66. London: Archetype Publications Ltd, 2017.
———. “Paper Sample Collection in Practice: Treating a Max Weber Print.” Hand Papermaking 56, no. 2 (2017): 16–17.
———. “Wild and Immaculate: Kenneth Tyler’s Early Use of Handmade Paper at Gemini G.E.L.” Hand Papermaking 34, no. 1 (2019): 3–10.
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