
Norbert S. Baer
Hagop Kevorkian Professor Emeritus of Conservation, Conservation Center
PhD 1969, New York; M.S. 1962, Wisconsin; B.S. 1959, Brooklyn College.
As a physical chemist with 50 years of research and teaching in materials science applied to the preservation of cultural property, I have served in an advisory capacity to such agencies as the American Research Center in Egypt, the Indo-US Sub-commission on Education and Culture, the U.S. National Archives, the National Materials Advisory Board of the National Academy of Sciences, the European Commission Directorate on Environmental Research, and the Committee on Natural Disasters. Beginning with a Guggenheim Fellowship 1983-1984, I turned my attention to larger issues of preservation policy, in particular, the introduction of concepts of Risk Management to the conservation of cultural property. A major manifestation of that approach was the development of a Dahlem Conference on Rational Decision-Making in the Preservation of Cultural Property leading to the so titled Report edited with Prof. Rolf Snethlage.
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My strong belief in the importance of integrating research in my teaching, both graduate and undergraduate, has led me to incorporate direct experience in the preparation of risk management plans in my courses. Students develop such plans for exhibitions of contemporary art in New York Galleries and at such venues as the Whitney Biennial and MoMA’s P.S. 1. Outdoor sculpture in New York and architectural monuments have been subjected to assessments and reevaluations over the past 20 years.
As I approach the later phase of my academic career, I find that I am increasingly reflecting on the words carved in stone at the National Archives where for 30 years I served as Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Preservation, “The Past is Prologue.” Over the past 50 years, the discipline of conservation has matured. Analytical capacity, data storage and manipulation, visual examination, possibilities for replication as in 3D printing, have added great capabilities to the few tools available in the immediate post-war years. In parallel, artists and other creative communities have introduced the newest of materials and works of ever greater complexity, leading to great challenges, even to the very definition of conservation. My reflections on the challenges and possibilities of this new reality for conservation represent my personal prologue in reflection on my academic past.
Research Interests
Application of physiochemical methods to the study and preservation of cultural property; environmental policy and damage to materials; application of risk assessment and risk management to the preservation of cultural property.
Selected publications
Baer, Norbert S. and F.Snickars, eds. Rational Decision-making in the
Preservation of Cultural Property. Berlin: Dahlem University Press, 2001.
"Risk Management, Value and Decision-making," The
Paper Conservator 25 (2001): 53-58.
Baer, Norbert S., S. Fitz and R.A. Livingston, eds. Conservation of Historic Brick
Structure. Dorset: Donhead, 1998.
Baer, Norbert S.and R. Snethlage, eds. Saving our Architectural Heritage:
The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures. London: John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
National Research Council Committee on Currency Features Usable by the Visually Impaired. Currency
Features for Visually Impaired People.Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 1995. Chairman of
Baer, Norbert S, ed. Training in Conservation: A Symposium on the Occasion of the
Dedication of the Stephen Chan House. New York: Institute of Fine Arts, 1989.
Selected Honors
Fellow, American Research Center in Egypt, 1994; Fellow, Guggenheim Foundation,
Course Materials
I - Inorganic Materials
II - Metals
III - Organic Materials
IV - Instrumental Methods
V - Environmental Science
VI - Museology
VII - Dating & Provenance
VIII - Library & Archive Materials
IX - Stone
X - Dyes & Pigments
Cumulative Index
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