IFA Archaeology Journal
Welcome to this year’s edition of the Institute’s Archaeology Journal. I am pleased to report that there continue to be important discoveries at each of the Institute of Fine Arts’ archaeological sites despite the many restrictions on travel and research owing to the pandemic.
Among the great highlights of the season was the completed excavation of the mosaics in the Civil Basilica and conservation work carried out on marble sarcophagi in Aphrodisias; the remarkable exploration and documentation of the world’s oldest industrial scale brewery in Abydos; the cleaning and research the team in Samothrace conducted on the blocks of the Nike monument; and the finding of a stratigraphic column and the upper arm of a marble kouros in Selinunte. Although ongoing unrest in Sudan prevented a field season in Sanam, our determined team took the opportunity to plan for various remote sensing surveys and to develop future resources.
Archaeology is vital to the Institute’s history, programming, and mission. It plays a crucial role in expanding the horizons of our students and it is a great pleasure to see our archaeological program grow each year. A very warm thanks to our extraordinarily committed faculty, students, close collaborators, and generous donors who make this all possible.
We hope you enjoy reading about this year’s discoveries and successes, and we look forward to what’s to come!
Christine Poggi
Judy and Michael Steinhardt Director
The Institute of Fine Arts
Our Supporters
Peter Ian Kuniholm
Lys McLaughlin Pike
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation, Inc.
Mary Lee Baranger
Andria Derstine
Maurice P. Rehm
Anne Leader
Loeb Classical Library Foundation
Nicholas J. Pisaris Foundation
Mary Lee Baranger
Julie E. Herzig and
Robert J. Desnick
Margaret M. Miles
Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation, Inc.
Victoria Newhouse
Alicia Volk and Norman H. Volk
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation, Inc.
Institute of Fine Arts Archaeology Fund
Rosamond Barber
Pepi Brooks
Peter Daniel De Staebler
Stacy C. Goodman
Ethelyn Adina Gordon
Lauren A. Gross
Rodica Krauss
A. Floyd Lattin
Carla Lord
Elizabeth Perce McGowan
Jaime L. Neary
Elizabeth A. Oustinoff
This list includes contributions to the projects received from October 31, 2020 – October 31, 2021.
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