TBM Symposium 2018
It's About Time! Building a New Discipline: Time-Based Media Art Conservation
Hosted by The Institute of Fine Arts and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
New York University
May 20-22, 2018
The TBM symposium 2018 promoted education and training opportunities for TBM as a new specialization within art conservation and provided a forum for educators, artists, art historians, museum curators and directors, collectors, gallerists, engineers, computer scientists, and conservators to foster TBM art conservation as a discipline on an international level.
The symposium hosted more than 150 participants from the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, the UK, Australia, and China.
The program included 30 presentations and 5 round table discussions grouped in five sessions.
- Session 1: TBM Art Conservation Education – Current Offerings and Future Opportunities
- Session 2: Practical Training, Professional Development, and Team Building
- Session 3: Challenges and Needs
- Session 4: TBM Art Conservation and the Archives
- Session 5: Advocacy, Implementation, and Collaboration
Organizers and Committee
Hannelore Roemich, Christine Frohnert, Deena Engel, Nora Kennedy, Kate Lewis, Joanna Phillips.
This symposium concluded our Time-Based Media Art Conservation Curriculum Development, generously supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Symposium Program
Monday, May 21, 2018
Phillip Brian Harper, Erich Maria Remarque Professor of Literature; Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University
Christine Poggi, Judy and Michael Steinhardt Director, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Denis Zorin, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Watch the welcome onlineSession 1: Time-Based Media (TBM) Art Conservation Education – Current Offerings and Future Opportunities
Chair: Deena Engel, Clinical Professor, Director, Program in Digital Humanities and Social Science, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Deena Engel's Bio (PDF)Christine Frohnert, Conservator of Contemporary Art, Bek & Frohnert LLC, and Time-Based Media Program Coordinator, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
The Development of TBM Art Conservation Education
Watch Christine Frohnert's lecture online
Agathe Jarczyk, Professor, Modern Materials and Media Art Conservation, University of Arts, Berne, Switzerland
Training in Modern Materials and Media Art Conservation at the University of Arts, Berne - Looking Back and Looking Forward
Watch Agathe Jarczyk's lecture online
Martina Pfenninger Lepage, Head of Studio/Teaching & Research; and Gerda Kaltenbruner, Professor, Conservation of Contemporary Art; Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria
Contemporary Art Conservation Expanded
Watch Martina Pfenninger Lepage's lecture online
Evelyne Snijders, Conservator of Contemporary Art, Post-Master Coordinator, Lecturer for Contemporary Art Conservation; Ellen Jansen, Conservator of Contemporary Art, MA Program Coordinator, Lecturer for Contemporary Art Conservation; and Sanneke Stigter, Assistant Professor, Program Leader Contemporary Art Conservation; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Training in Time-Based Arts Conservation at the University of Amsterdam
Watch Snijders, Jansen and Stigter's lecture online
Humberto Farias, Assistant Professor Contemporary Art Conservation, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, School of Fine Arts, Department of Art and History, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Implementation of TBM Art Conservation in the Brazilian Academic Curriculum: Challenges and Initiatives
Watch Humberto Farias' lecture online
Howard Besser, Professor, Co-Associate Director, Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP), New York University
Crossing Boundaries between Media Art Conservation, Archiving, and Preservation: the NYU MIAP Experience
Watch Howard Besser's lecture online
Johannes Gfeller, Professor, Head of Master Program Conservation of New Media and Digital Information, Stuttgart, State Academy of Art and Design, Germany
Media Art Conservation as Historically Informed Engineering
Watch Johannes Gfeller's lecture online
Hannelore Roemich, PhD, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Conservation, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University; and Christine Frohnert, Conservator of Contemporary Art, Bek & Frohnert LLC, and Time-Based Media Program Coordinator, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
TBM Art Conservation as a New Specialization at the Conservation Center
Watch Hannelore Roemich's Lecture Online
Round Table: TBM Art Conservation Education
Moderator: Deena Engel, Clinical Professor, Director, Program in Digital Humanities and Social Science, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Panelists: All Speakers from Session 1
Session 2: Practical Training, Professional Development, and Team Building
Chair: Margaret Holben Ellis, Chair; Eugene Thaw Professor of Paper Conservation; Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Margaret Holben Ellis' Bio (PDF)Louise Lawson, Conservation Manager, Sculpture & Time-Based Media, Tate, United Kingdom
Bridging the Gap – Education and the Workplace
Watch Louise Lawson's lecture online
Joanna Phillips, Senior Conservator of Time-Based Media, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; and Deena Engel, Clinical Professor, Director, Program in Digital Humanities and Social Science, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Enhancing Conservation Practice through Museum-Academic Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinary Education
Joanna Phillips Bio (PDF)
Watch DEENA ENGEL amd Joanna Phillips' lecture online
Briana Feston-Brunet, Variable and Time-Based Media Conservator, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC
Conservation by Committee: Time-Based Media at the Hirshhorn
Watch Briana Feston-Brunet's lecture online
Martina Haidvogl, Associate Media Conservator, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
Below the Surface: Collaborative Efforts as Stewardship Practice
Watch Martina Haidvogl's lecture online
Jonathan Farbowitz, Fellow in the Conservation of Computer-Based Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; and Peter Oleksik, Associate Media Conservator, The David Booth Conservation Department, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Varied Approaches: Training in Time-Based Media Conservation
Peter Oleksik's Bio (PDF)
Watch Jonathan Farbowitz and Peter Oleksik's lecture online
Jim Coddington, Conservator, and Kate Lewis, Agnes Gund Chief Conservator, David Booth Conservation Department, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Creating Training Opportunities: The Media Conservation Initiative at MoMA
Kate Lewis's Bio (PDF)
Watch "The Media Conservation Initiative at MoMA" online
Glenn Wharton, PhD, Clinical Professor, Museum Studies, New York University
Teaching Time-Based Media Collections Management to Non-Conservation Students
Watch Glenn Wharton's lecture online
Andreas Weisser, Conservator of Time-Based Media, Doerner Institute; Consultant for Analog and Digital Preservation, restaumedia, Munich, Germany
Establishing TBM Conservation at the Doerner Institute – where to start?
Watch Andreas Weisser's lecture online
Round Table: Consultants on Contract – Part of the Team
Moderator: Paul Messier, Art Conservator, Pritzker Director, Lens Media Lab, Yale University West Campus, West Haven, CT
Panelists: Andreas Weisser, Consultant for Analog and Digital Preservation at restaumedia, Munich, Germany; Reinhard Bek, Conservator of Contemporary Art, Bek & Frohnert LLC; Christine Frohnert, Conservator of Contemporary Art, Bek & Frohnert LLC; Ben Fino-Radin, Small Data Industries, New York; Agathe Jarczyk, Studio for Video Conservation, Berne
Watch the Session two rountable onlineTuesday, May 22, 2018
Session 3: Challenges and Needs
Chair: Nora Kennedy, Sherman Fairchild Conservator in Charge, Photograph Conservation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Nora Kennedy's Bio (PDF)
Hannelore Roemich, PhD, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Conservation, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
Review of the First Day of the Symposium – Where to Go from Here?
Watch Hannelore Roemich's lecture online
Iolanda Ratti, Conservation Researcher, Collection Curator at Museo del Novecento, Milano; and Sara Abram, Projects Development and Fundraising Manager, Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale, Milan, Italy
What is a Time-Based Media Conservator: Addressing Training in Italy
Watch Iolanda Ratti's lecture online
Jo Ana Morfin, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico
Who is Taking Care of our Digital Heritage? TBM Conservation in Mexico
Watch Jo Ana Morfin's lecture online
Shu-Wen Lin, Research Fellow for Digital Preservation at National Library of Medicine, Bethesda; Christel Pesme, Senior Conservator, and Natalie Harding, Associate Object Conservator, M+ museum limited, Hong Kong, China
Initiate the Conversation: Contemporary Art Conservation at M+ Museum for Visual Culture
Natalie Harding's Bio (PDF)
Watch Shu-Wen Lin and Natalie Harding's lecture online
Barbara Miller, Senior Curator of Collections and Exhibitions, and Jason Eppink, Curator of Digital Media, Museum of the Moving Image, New York; Ben Fino-Radin, Founder, Small Data Industries, New York
Building Institutional Capacity for Collecting and Preserving Digital Media
Jason Eppink's Bio (PDF)
Beno Fino-Radin's Bio (PDF)
Watch MILLER, Eppink and Fino-Radin's lecture online
Bradford A. Epley, Chief Conservator, and Sarah Thompson, Conservation Department Assistant, The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas
Conversations Over Time: Time-Based Media Art Conservation at the Menil Collection
Sarah Thompson's Bio (PDF)
Watch Bradford A. Epley and Sarah Thompson's lecture online
Lisa Catt, Assistant Curator, International Art, and Asti Sherring, Time-Based Art Conservator, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Embracing Variability and Change: New Perspectives on Collection Management Practices at the Art Gallery of New South Wales
Asti SherrinG's Bio (PDF)
Watch Lisa Catt and Asti Sherring's lecture online
Round Table: The Interface Between the Artist and the Conservator
Moderator: R. Luke DuBois, DMA, Co-Director / Associate Professor of Integrated Digital Media, Technology, Culture and Society (Engineering); Music and Performing Arts Professions (Steinhardt); Interactive Telecommunications (Tisch), New York University Panelists: Fernando Cwilich Gil, Artist, Ruse Laboratories, San Francisco, Lena (Carol) Stringari, Deputy Director and Chief Conservator of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation, New York; Maria Theodoraki, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow & Ph.D. Candidate, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Department of Conservation and Restoration, Portugal
Session 4: TBM Art Conservation and the Archives
Chair: Mona Jimenez, Media Art Conservator, Materia Media, New York
Mona Jimenez's Bio (PDF)Crystal Sanchez, Digital Preservation Specialist, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
TBM Artwork Component Files in the Smithsonian’s Institution-Wide Digital Asset Management System: Digital Preservation in Practice
Watch Crystal Sanchez's lecture online
Hiroko Kimura-Myokam, Research Fellow, inter media art institute (imai) Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany
Describing Time-Based Media Art in a Database: Metadata and Data Structure for Cataloging of Analog and Digital Moving Images
Watch HIROKO KIMURA-MYOKAM's lecture online
Alessandro Bordina, PhD, Università di Udine, Independent Researcher, and Antonio Rava, Freelance Restorer, Studio Rava, Torino, ItalyThe Conservation of Video Art on Analog Support in Italy
Alessandro Bordina's Bio (PDF)Watch Alessandro Bordina's lecture online
Gaby Wijers, Director, Living Media Art, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A Collective Approach on the Continuous Process of Monitoring and Adaptation to Technological Change
Watch Gaby Wijers' lecture online
Round Table: TBM Art Conservation and the Archives
Moderator: Mona Jimenez, Media Art Conservator, Materia Media, New York
Panelists: All Speakers from Session 4
Session 5: Shaping a New Discipline – Advocacy, Implementation, Collaboration
Chair: Lena (Carol) Stringari, Deputy Director and Chief Conservator of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation, New York
Lena Stringari's Bio (PDF)Alison Gilchrest, Program Officer, Arts and Cultural Heritage, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York
Supporting a New Ecology: a Funder’s Perspective on TBM
Watch Alison Gilchrest's lecture online
Francesca Casadio, PhD, Andrew W. Mellon Senior Conservation Scientist, and Hendrik Folkerst, Dittmer Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
“Panta Rhei”: Launching a Time-Based Media Conservation Initiative at the Art Institute of Chicago
Hendrik Folkerst's Bio (PDF)
Watch Francesca Casadio and Hendrik Folkerst's lecture online
Nora Kennedy, Sherman Fairchild Conservator in Charge, Photograph Conservation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Pioneering New Conservation Specializations: One Museum’s Story
Watch Nora Kennedy's lecture online
Kate Moomaw, Associate Conservator of Modern and Contemporary Art; Eddy Colloton, Assistant Conservator of Electronic Media; and Sarah E. Melching, Silber Director of Conservation; Denver Art Museum, Denver
Electronic Media Conservation at the Denver Art Museum: Past and Future
Watch Moomaw, Colloton and Melching's lecture online
Round Table: Imagined Futures
Moderator: Pip Laurenson, Head of Collection Care Research, Tate, United Kingdom, and Professor of Art, Collection and Care at Maastricht University
Panelists: Tina Rivers Ryan, Assistant Curator Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York; Alfredo Salazar-Caro, Artistic Director and Co-Creator of The Digital Museum of Digital Art (Di Mo DA), New York; Jill Sterrett, Director of Collections & Conservation, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
Watch the closing remarks by Hannelore Roemich