Mellon Research Initiative: Events
Publishing and the PhD
October 18, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Publishing and the PhD was a public workshop on the art history publication in relation to the dissertation. The workshop addressed the following questions: how should our doctoral programs prepare our students to publish today? What sort of work do we accept as PhD scholarship in art history, and what are the most effective ways that art historical scholarship can be published? How should emerging scholars communicate their work in what has been called “a reconfigured scholarly communications landscape”?
SESSION I: The Publisher’s Perspective: Books and their future
Patricia Fidler, Publisher, Yale University Press
Eleanor Goodman, Executive Editor, Penn State University Press
SESSION II: Journals: Protocols and Possibilities
Kirk Ambrose,Editor designate, The Art Bulletin; Associate Professor and Chair of the department of Art and Art History, University of Colorado, Boulder
Todd Cronan, Editorial Board member, nonsite.org; Assistant Professor of Art History Emory University
SESSION III: How do we evaluate research?
Evelyn Welch, Professor of Renaissance Studies and Vice-Principal for Research and International Affairs, Queen Mary, University of London