Mellon Research Initiative: Events
CAA 2015: Field/Work: Object and Site
February 11-12, 2015
Please note: These panel discussions will take place at the Institute of Fine Arts: 1 East 78th St., New York
The Institute of Fine Arts has convened three related panels with the theme of Field/Work in order to explore topics arising from the work of the Mellon Research Initiative. The Initiative is pleased to take the occasion of the CAA annual meeting to announce the reports from the area-based committees – archaeology, conservation, and art history – and to continue to discuss key questions regarding future directions in graduate training, in teaching, and in research.
Field/Work: Object and Site:
These panels will ask what constitutes the work of our fields today and look forward to the future. Field work is understood here as the way that disciplinary fields are defined at the moment and the way that current work is challenging and changing those definitions, with special reference to the training of the coming generation of “fieldworkers.” The panels will also consider the nature and place of fieldwork proper in research and in graduate training – in excavations, in archives, in museums, libraries, and laboratories. How can such experience be afforded in relation to realistic expectations of coverage and the availability of resources? To what degree is research site-specific and what are the necessary forms of contact with the objects of our research in their physical and material states and how are these objects being influenced by the virtual access afforded by new technologies?
Interlocutors have been invited to 1. Reflect on how their specialist fields/areas have been and are currently defined and what work that field does within the broader discipline; 2. To discuss the actual fieldwork required by training and research in that field.
The Art of Archaeology; an Art Historical Perspective
Institute of Fine Arts
Lecture Hall
February 11, 2015
Chair: David O’Connor, Lila Acheson Wallace Professor of Ancient Egyptian Art, Institute of Fine Arts-NYU; Co-Director, Yale University-University of Pennsylvania-Institute of Fine Arts, NYU Excavations at Abydos
Zainab Bahrani, Edith Porada Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University
Sheila Bonde, Professor of History of Art and Architecture, Professor of Archaeology and the Ancient World, Chair of History of Art and Architecture, Brown University
Clemente Marconi, James R. McCredie Professor in the History of Greek Art and Archaeology; University Professor, Institute of Fine Arts-NYU
Robert W. Preucel, Director of Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology; Professor of Anthropology, Brown University
Conservation and the Future of Art
Institute of Fine Arts
Lecture Hall
February 12, 2015
Chair: Michele Marincola, Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor of Conservation, Institute of Fine Arts-NYU
Sanchita Balachandran, Curator/Conservator, Johns Hopkins Archaeological Museum; Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Jim Coddington, Chief Conservator, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Jeanne Marie Teutonico, Associate Director, Getty Conservation Institute
Carol Mancusi Ungaro, Associate Director for Conservation and Research, Whitney Museum of American Art; Founding Director of the Center for the Technical Study of Modern Art, Harvard Art Museums
The Field of Art History and its Work
Institute of Fine Arts
Lecture Hall
February 12, 2015
Followed by a public reception.
Chair: Patricia Rubin, Judy and Michael Steinhardt Director; Professor of Art History, The Institute of Fine Arts, NYU
Jean Campbell, Professor of Art History, Emory University
David Joselit, Distinguished Professor, Art History, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Finbarr Barry Flood, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of the Humanities, Institute of Fine Arts and College of Arts and Sciences, NYU
Jennifer Roberts, Elizabeth Cary Agassiz Professor of the Humanities, Department of History of Art and Architecture; Harvard College Professor; Chair of the Program in American Studies, Harvard University