
Shiro Burnette

PhD Candidate
Areas of interest: Graeco-Roman Egypt, cross-cultural exchange, hybridity, domestic space, decolonization, memory and materiality, antiquarianism and collecting, history of museums.
Shiro Burnette completed his undergraduate studies at the University of the South in Sewanee, TN earning a BA in Anthropology. He continued his education by obtaining an MA in Museology at the University of Washington in Seattle where he researched the role of decolonization in exhibition design. His work with museums includes positions at the Burke Museum and the Museum with No Frontiers. This is accompanied by archaeological experiences centered on sites from the southern United States, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Selinunte, and Rome. His current research interests address hybridity, domestic space, and identity in Graeco-Roman Egypt.
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